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Misc All Things Religious

I didn't say all roads lead to god. I mention the source or creator. Can you call that god? Absolutely.....but the Christian god is the god of the bible and there is no delineating from that in a religous context. I don't have a manual or guide it's just me and the divine and that's it. One big area where I skew from most "now" is that I do not believe in judgement anymore. There is no hell to me (I've been to hell 6 times) and I don't believe the creator interferes with our life on earth. I stopped believing in that when I see ungodly suffering amongst human beings. You will find that a LOT of Vets who have been in combat have a very tough time with this. Yes I know what the bible says about suffering but when you kill another human being (many times) even in war it changes you. Some of the changes good but some of them bad. It makes it difficult to trust that an all knowing god and all loving god is in control of all that is happening when I am the one doing evil deeds if that makes sense. So many Vets I know are transitioning to a more Theosopy POV and leaving dogma behind. To us it's just a different path to perhaps a different place that neither us is familiar with. I got very close on my trip but the awesomeness I experienced was just the tip of the iceberg
God has given all mankind freewill, each of us has the ability to think and make our own decisions. Some are good some are not, in the end however, God is still and always will be in control. It's man's own evil thinking, thinking that is absent of God or in a moment of disconnect from God, that is behind evil deeds. God doesn't control that particular deed, He did not want that deed to occur but man caused it and God will use that event in some way, shape or form, for any that believe, to His glory. While man makes stupid decisions, God is still in control That is where I get my peace from, that and knowing that my eternity is sealed with Him! And hell is very real and will be worse than any "hell" you or anyone else experience on this earth. As a Christian it breaks my heart to see those have chosen that path.
Why do you need a code brother? Right is inside you from Day 1 but you raise a very good question "why follow any moral compass". Moral compass comes directly from man derived dogma and as we are seeing unfold in Israel, dogma has a very evil look to it at times. I have no dogma but I have a moral code I just had to retrieve it from within the moral code I had designed in to me by the creator. Yes it's tough to wrap your head around and has taken a lot of inner struggle to get to this point
But where did that moral code originate? You say creator, who is your creator? There is only but One
God has given all mankind freewill, each of us has the ability to think and make our own decisions. Some are good some are not, in the end however, God is still and always will be in control. It's man's own evil thinking, thinking that is absent of God or in a moment of disconnect from God, that is behind evil deeds. God doesn't control that particular deed, He did not want that deed to occur but man caused it and God will use that event in some way, shape or form, for any that believe, to His glory. While man makes stupid decisions, God is still in control That is where I get my peace from, that and knowing that my eternity is sealed with Him! And hell is very real and will be worse than any "hell" you or anyone else experience on this earth. As a Christian it breaks my heart to see those have chosen that path.
So it was god that pulled that trigger when I smoked all those dudes? Either I am in control or god is so which is it? What exactly is god in control of?
C'Mon man....You are WAY BETTER than that. You might as well just call me stupid....
I'll be honest with you Sandbar you are in a very tough place. You may not think so and everything feels almost euphoric to you but that is far from reality. The transition you have experienced has affected you not only profoundly but very deep within your mind and soul, something that is a challenge to break you from. Until you are broken and allow God to truly speak to your heart, there is no scripture, debate, conversation that will be able to make inroads into your current mindset. I love you like a brother and I'll pray for you but the transition you have experienced is a challenge and heartbreaking to me. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Father by any other means.
So it was god that pulled that trigger when I smoked all those dudes? Either I am in control or god is so which is it? What exactly is god in control of?
Nope, that's the freewill I discussed in my post. You made the decision, just like I make the decision if I decide to use an illegal drug or if decide to slap a woman in the face or I decide to pull the trigger to kill someone for their wallet or if I decide to run someone over with my car or I decide to tell someone a lie or gossip or whatever the sin may be. Those are individual decisions but all outcomes, situations, the world, the universe and all that God has made is ultimately in his control. He will use even the stupid mistakes we made to glorify His name to someone through it. Maybe it's difficult to wrap your head around, but God is all knowing, He knows what decisions will be made before they are made but He still allows us to decide, He does not force His relationship on us
But where did that moral code originate? You say creator, who is your creator? There is only but One
Correct. There is but one creator. Moral and code are 2 words created by man to explain what is written in dogma by him. Man says what he wrote was divinely inspired but this is also the same "man" that nailed another man to a cross and who has to be forgiven for sinning. Creator is just a manmade word as well as is divine, god, allah, and the list goes on an on an on and on. I don't like to slap a label on things when it comes to my spiritual journey and I am so much more open to what the "creator" has to offer now that I don't follow group thinking. I hope you guys understand that this conversation isn't about changing your mind at all. On my path we end up in the same place. On your path it's only those that follow your guide that get rewarded and there lies the difference. You worry why people don't follow your path I'm sure. If you didn't have questions inside about that path you would not worry about others at all. You could honestly find many things in my spiritual path that align perfectly with the bible I just no longer need dogma to reach my destiny spiritually
Nope, that's the freewill I discussed in my post. You made the decision, just like I make the decision if I decide to use an illegal drug or if decide to slap a woman in the face or I decide to pull the trigger to kill someone for their wallet or if I decide to run someone over with my car or I decide to tell someone a lie or gossip or whatever the sin may be. Those are individual decisions but all outcomes, situations, the world, the universe and all that God has made is ultimately in his control. He will use even the stupid mistakes we made to glorify His name to someone through it. Maybe it's difficult to wrap your head around, but God is all knowing, He knows what decisions will be made before they are made but He still allows us to decide, He does not force His relationship on us
What exactly is god in control of? Is he in control of everything for everything and everyone or just certain things?
Correct. There is but one creator. Moral and code are 2 words created by man to explain what is written in dogma by him. Man says what he wrote was divinely inspired but this is also the same "man" that nailed another man to a cross and who has to be forgiven for sinning. Creator is just a manmade word as well as is divine, god, allah, and the list goes on an on an on and on. I don't like to slap a label on things when it comes to my spiritual journey and I am so much more open to what the "creator" has to offer now that I don't follow group thinking. I hope you guys understand that this conversation isn't about changing your mind at all. On my path we end up in the same place. On your path it's only those that follow your guide that get rewarded and there lies the difference. You worry why people don't follow your path I'm sure. If you didn't have questions inside about that path you would not worry about others at all. You could honestly find many things in my spiritual path that align perfectly with the bible I just no longer need dogma to reach my destiny spiritually
This could not be further from the truth. I worry because I know there is but one path and I literally am saddened by those who choose not to follow it. I want all that I know to be in heaven one day with me but sadly many will not because the path they choose is not the One and only way. I have family, friends, co-workers, fellow church members, etc that will not be there and I truly hurt for lost souls.
Thanks for the downvote @Shaggy you are already on my prayer list though :cool:
You're welcome. Your post is everything that is wrong with today's Christianity. Sandbar has been clear that he was struggling and that he took a big step with the therapy he underwent and how it's changed him and helped him and all you can do is tell him he is wrong.
This could not be further from the truth. I worry because I know there is but one path and I literally am saddened by those who choose not to follow it. I want all that I know to be in heaven one day with me but sadly many will not because the path they choose is not the One and only way. I have family, friends, co-workers, fellow church members, etc that will not be there and I truly hurt for lost souls.
That's called fear brother! You worship out of shear fear. It's your way and that's great because it works for you but I couldn't do that anymore. If I don't have trust in myself I have nothing
C'Mon man....You are WAY BETTER than that. You might as well just call me stupid....
No offense intended at all. There's absolutely nothing I can do or say that is going to be of any value in the conversation. We're too far apart on ideology. I don't agree with any of your position, but you have the right to believe what you want, and I acknowledge that by saying ok.
That's called fear brother! You worship out of shear fear. It's your way and that's great because it works for you but I couldn't do that anymore. If I don't have trust in myself I have nothing
Has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with serving a God that saved this poor wretched sinner by sacrificing his one and only Son for my sins. My desire is to spend eternity with Him! And hell, while very real, isn't my motivation, hell for me would be an eternal separation from my Heavenly Father.
That's called fear brother! You worship out of shear fear. It's your way and that's great because it works for you but I couldn't do that anymore. If I don't have trust in myself I have nothing

Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

2nd Corinthians 5:11
I'll be honest with you Sandbar you are in a very tough place. You may not think so and everything feels almost euphoric to you but that is far from reality. The transition you have experienced has affected you not only profoundly but very deep within your mind and soul, something that is a challenge to break you from. Until you are broken and allow God to truly speak to your heart, there is no scripture, debate, conversation that will be able to make inroads into your current mindset. I love you like a brother and I'll pray for you but the transition you have experienced is a challenge and heartbreaking to me. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Father by any other means.
Bro I am clearer than I have ever been in my life. I feel closer to the creator than I ever have and I called myself a christian for 52 years of my life. I read the bible. I have prayed. I've had a guy die in my arms. This shouldn't be heartbreaking to you at all you should be rejoicing. I chose to write my own dogma with a Party of 1 and that affects no other person in my life. We should all strive to forge our own personal path but that path does not have to follow another's experience. Some people need that group hug. I'm not one of those people anymore
You're welcome. Your post is everything that is wrong with today's Christianity. Sandbar has been clear that he was struggling and that he took a big step with the therapy he underwent and how it's changed him and helped him and all you can do is tell him he is wrong.
All I can do is try and pray but in the end

Phil. 2: 9-11 "Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with serving a God that saved this poor wretched sinner by sacrificing his one and only Son for my sins. My desire is to spend eternity with Him! And hell, while very real, isn't my motivation, hell for me would be an eternal separation from my Heavenly Father.
But you serve him out of fear. Yes you absolutely do. You fear hell. You fear not seeing your loved ones after they are gone. You have never met me and you fear I'm not going to heaven because I don't think exactly like Christianity demands we do. Have you ever been close to death or had a divine experience in your life? I'm not talking god hearing your prayers or being beside a loved one as they pass but an experience that was so powerful that it had the ability to actually transform you? I have had that experience and it is profound and powerful!