Y'all said y'all wanted some more GSP severe thunderstorm warning data? Great! Cause I just happened to use IEM to find out how many svr tstorm warnings had been issued for each county in the GSP CWA over the 36 year period of available information from 1/1/1986-12/31/2020. I also calculated the average warnings per year, and there seemed to be a discrepancy between Greenville, Spartanburg, and Mecklenburg counties and the rest of the bunch. I think this may be because these are (relatively) major population centers, and whichever NWS issued these products likely had a more heightened awareness about these areas. Should be noted however, that those 3 counties led the way in warnings in 2020, granted it may have been for the same reason, but I believe there must be at least some climatological reason. There's also almost certainly severe storms that have been missed over the years, especially on the fringes of the CWA. Again, counties are organized by state and generally from west to east. So, here's the data. Total is the first number, per year is the number in parentheses.