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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

My next update will be on January 24th! I don’t believe in changing by the models runs or on a weekly basis. My outlooks have been good so far. I hope I’m wrong and score a miracle sooner but I’m just trying to breakdown this winter into segments.
Bringing back this Gem:
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the east
Not a snowflake was stirring, not one in the least.
The snow boots were stored in the closet with care
And the shovel was hung on the wall in despair.

The cold it was nestled, all snug near the pole
A gift far much worse than a big lump of coal.
And the only small token that winter brought forth
Came from a cool front, slipping in from the north.

I laid there awake as I heard the rain splatter
Another good winter turning into a ratter.
When what to my wondering ears did I hear?
An alert that the new European was here.

The cold GFS had given me snow
Would the Euro confirm? I just had to know.
Away to the laptop, I flew like a flash
Threw open the website and cleared all the cache.

But even as over the time stamps I flew
My eyes soon confirmed what my heavy heart knew
There was only bright red where there should have been blue
The Euro had spoken, “There is no snow for you!”

My head hung in sadness while I sat there and pondered
Would ensembles be worth staying up for, I wondered?
Would a miracle await, would Christmas some through?
Could the wintriest of all wintry wishes come true?

But soon to my senses I came with a bound
Closed out the window and shut the site down.
Then off to the bedroom, I turned with a jerk
Three hours of sleep was the night’s only perk.

As I pillowed my head and tucked in the sheet
Distressed that the Euro is so hard to beat
I knew in my heart that this snowstorm was done
At least until dawn and the next 6z run.

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Christmas thread for those that have mack blocked