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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

You can feel the flu come on pretty sudden. Fine one minute. Woozy the next. Covid was pretty gradual with symptoms in my experience. Flu is always pretty rapid. What has your experience been so far?
A few years ago, I woke up about 9 with a runny nose and scratchy throat, by 11 I was in the minute clinic , feeling near death, with flu! First time I’d had it in like 20 years! And had had the vaccine a few months before
A few years ago, I woke up about 9 with a runny nose and scratchy throat, by 11 I was in the minute clinic , feeling near death, with flu! First time I’d had it in like 20 years! And had had the vaccine a few months before
It’s definitely in a league of its own. I’ve had it two times that I remember. Once when I was a kid. No amount of blankets could get me warm. Then I had it in late 2017. I was rocking my 5 month old and felt a sudden outer body sensation and in an instant I knew I had the flu. Pretty damn sick for 3-4 days.
I heard the flu vaccine was a total failure this year. I took it but they missed the strain. Maybe in part because of the lack of flu the previous season? @Jon
I’m going downhill fast, 103.2 fever, shortness of breath currently at ER

I feel so bad for not checking in on this thread for a while. That’s scary Fro, I’m glad you got seen tho and it wasn’t covid, I was really worried when I started scrolling thru the last few pages of posts. Hope you get better soon!!
And his ignore list like the grinches heart grew 3 sizes that day
