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Good post!Man , it’s weird but some of my friends are starting to get married which has got me having a hankering to have some kids. Imagine having a nice little daughter and playing dress up and all sorts of other fun stuff with her and buying them stuff . Or a son , having your own personal little hiking , fishing , sports , reading , buddy . I’m sure the people with kids will disagree but I want 5 children . Children make me happy ( not the creepy way you creeps ) .
I didn’t have a burning desire to have kids, was just kind of like, maybe, not a hard no or yes I want 3 or whatever! Did want one to see what me and the wife could produce! And it is an instant buddy, and changes your whole life! He’s well rounded, giant in stature, 6’5”+ now about 230lbs, in band , will be 14 in February, size 16 shoe, plays school basketball, baseball, has decent grades! Love that boy! I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m over protective of him , I could not imagine how overprotective I would be , if I had a daughter!