By the way, Dunkin Donuts spicy ghost pepper donut is fantastic!!
Krispy Kreme is better overall imo. One of my favorites is the crullers/tractor tire.
By the way, Dunkin Donuts spicy ghost pepper donut is fantastic!!
They need a Carolina reaper donut , I had a tiny piece of Carolina reaper once during lunch my sophomore year of high school . Next 3 hours were horrendous and I looked like a fool in my English class . Also a big HHHHHWHHAATTT. We don’t like Dunkins round here partner , this is Krispy Kreme country .By the way, Dunkin Donuts spicy ghost pepper donut is fantastic!!
Too bad all we have up this way is Dunkin. Krispy Kreme seems better to me but just have to live with what we have.Krispy Kreme is better overall imo. One of my favorites is the crullers/tractor tire.
I grew some 3 years ago, gave them away, a guy said he used a pinky nail piece in 3lbs of chili, and he had to throw away the whole batch! Those things are ridiculous!They need a Carolina reaper donut , I had a tiny piece of Carolina reaper once during lunch my sophomore year of high school . Next 3 hours were horrendous and I looked like a fool in my English class . Also a big HHHHHWHHAATTT. We don’t like Dunkins round here partner , this is Krispy Kreme country .
Zaxbys says hello ! Well at least according to my friends lol. They think zaxbys has Chic Fil A beat. I have no opinion on the matter other than Chic Fil A is great but overpriced and overrated . Really tough to beat it though, though I’d probably eat at Bojangles before Chic Fil A because nowadays chic Fil A has lines at all times that they are open.
Cookout vs chic fil a ?
BruhDunkin is far better than KK don't @ me
I'm tired of hurricanes lol
KK only good when hot now light is on, all other instances DD better hands down and I love some DD coffee. Plus I've got a DD 6 miles from me, closest KK 30I wouldn't put KK donuts in my top 3
They are like a dry ball of sugar
Glad someone agreesKK only good when hot now light is on, all other instances DD better hands down and I love some DD coffee. Plus I've got a DD 6 miles from me, closest KK 30
Just got one here. Good stuffHas anyone tried Culvers ? I love their butter burgers !
Is it spicy?By the way, Dunkin Donuts spicy ghost pepper donut is fantastic!!
A little but offset by the sweetness, it's a good balance actuallyIs it spicy?
Prob kinda like pepper jelly!A little but offset by the sweetness, it's a good balance actually
They need a Carolina reaper donut , I had a tiny piece of Carolina reaper once during lunch my sophomore year of high school . Next 3 hours were horrendous and I looked like a fool in my English class . Also a big HHHHHWHHAATTT. We don’t like Dunkins round here partner , this is Krispy Kreme country .
I grew some 3 years ago, gave them away, a guy said he used a pinky nail piece in 3lbs of chili, and he had to throw away the whole batch! Those things are ridiculous!
Apples and oranges for me as I eat only burgers at Cookout. Both are tasty! Cookout has one of the best burgers and is cheap. I also love 5 Guys but is isn't cheap.
Has anyone here ever had Takhomasak burgers? Yummy for the tummy!
Dunkin is better for Coffee, Krispy Kreme is better for doughnuts. Done, settled.
Overrated, been there, like a 7-11 hotdogAnd The Varsity for Hot Dogs.
Man, I knew I liked youDunkin is better for Coffee, Krispy Kreme is better for doughnuts. Done, settled.
I don’t like coffee all that much so it’s just about the doughnuts to me.Dunkin is better for Coffee, Krispy Kreme is better for doughnuts. Done, settled.
How about Duck Donuts ? Now that’s good !
Has anyone tried Culvers ? I love their butter burgers !
The best dogs are always the ones you make on your own grill and add the stuff you like on them.
Nathan’s, FTWThe best dogs, whether on one's own grill or not, are the kosher ones like Hebrew National. Have you ever tried them? But dang are they salty!
I don’t have Bojangles anymore, but I got this:View attachment 50977
Yes sir ! Nothing like roasting Nathan’s on a bonfire . Though last time I had like 6 of them and woke up with a brown spot on my head .Nathan’s, FTW
As long as the hot dog is red then it's all about what you put on it. All the way for me, almost need a fork to eat it lol