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Misc 2020/21 Fall and Winter Whamby Thread

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That's so true. Its the beginning of a trend.
So far the current trend is flip-flopping every other run of every other model. The only consistency has been very cold ? come "Valentine's Day". At this point anything and everything including the kitchen sink will be thrown at us from Cold Rain to Devestaing Ice Storm to a Flizzard to maybe a decent Boardwide Snow. As much as I jest about groundhogzilla nothing will be close to reality until at least Mon. or Tue...
Congratulations for people at/west of the Appalachian mountains far as possibly scoring a major winterstorm. Looks like once the I-20 Corridor areas east of Atlanta will be getting screwed out of another storm once again.
I’m gonna vent. I think it’s ok for folks who regularly contribute to the main thread to occasionally throw in some snarky disappointment...we are human. What bugs me are the lurkers who only come out when it’s time to -----. Sorry if I offended anyone. Just had to say that.

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I don't really see much to worry about with the operational changes. My bitterness was to see the models flip flop and delay the cold. That has now stopped over the past 24 hours. Whether there will be anything frozen or not is so far out from being determined, the GFS operational will certainly show more frozen scenarios off an on again until about Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
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