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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

At least now the snow is starting to fly in places like Baker Lake Canada, Khatanga/Yakutsk Russia. Siberian snowpack is building, about right on time.
Why is it that I often hear of a Southeast Ridge but I never hear of any other types of ridges? I never hear of a Northeast or Midwest Ridge or a Southwest Ridge.
Why is it that I often hear of a Southeast Ridge but I never hear of any other types of ridges? I never hear of a Northeast or Midwest Ridge or a Southwest Ridge.
Same reason you don't hear "Central American vortex" instead of a polar vortex. It's a feature that develops often anytime of the year. Really the SER is a partner of the Bermuda high, if it's not the same entity altogether. We do have a western ridge though at times, but it seems to not have shown up in awhile.
Are politics running weather, or is weather running politics? From this end, looks like weather is running politics ... hot and the same old model run day after day ... so, I'm headed out to Cedar Key where there is no internet to speak of, but lots of good food, enjoy my day of one more annual spin around the sun ... and when I reconnect, maybe there will be a tad of sanity in weather, models, politics ... and ... o_O