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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

It was weird to be in Vegas where pot is legal. Seen billboards everywhere saying "best cannabis in town". Heck, they would even deliver it right to your hotel. It was just strange and amusing at the same time.....

ha... as someone who's recently been there too, my eyes were opened... lol

Going on a cruise January 27 - 31, so if it comes a snowstorm in my area while I'm gone, I'll know it's me. Not global warming, not climate change, not the SE ridge, not the Duke El Nino, or the MJO or QBO... it's ME.

noted on the calendar :p
After 21 you stop counting and start complaining that it’s your birthday. One more year and you get to taste alcohol........

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Lol I actually had a chance to drink last year while on a school trip to the UK and I chose not to. Like we were at a bar and while everyone got beer or whiskey I got orange juice

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So just wondering since I'm new to tracking hurricanes this early on... any model historically better at canes than another?
So just wondering since I'm new to tracking hurricanes this early on... any model historically better at canes than another?

Typically during most cases the Euro does better overall. However because Europe doesn’t get many tropical systems being a lower priority, their verification isn’t as good for track/strength etc. Take Florence for Example went into lower SC close Verification time as an Outlier. The FV3 from what I recall did fairly well with Florence.
The Ukie has had many fails typically has a south bias not just for hurricanes, Any storm system. Not sure about other global models though. Would weigh the Euro and GFS equally “Early on”. The Hurricane models (HWRF, HMON) are typically biased to rapid strengthening. Take a look at Dorian recently Barry was also a victim of this. Hope that helps.
I upgraded my internet to a higher speed tier this weekend, this is on my PC. Download speed is 21 mbps faster (250 mbps) than advertised. Upload speed is about 1 mbps (20 mbps) higher than advertised. My previous tier was 150 mbps download/10 mbps upload.

I tested the speeds on my video game consoles and this was the results...
PlayStation 4 - 259.3 mbps download/7.6 mbps upload
Xbox One S - 270.22 mbps download/8.09 mbps upload
Nintendo Switch - 22.7 mbps download/13.3 mbps upload

Don't ask why Nintendo Switch's speeds suck, PlayStation and Xbox does what Nintendon't which is freakin' good internet. Keep in mind that's the speed for a hardwired connection, not WiFi.
Piggybacking off my earlier comment, do hurricanes traditionally have a north or NW trend like winter storms usually do?
Dont wanna clutter the Dorian thread but i just cant shake the forecast the other day of a 30 mph storm approaching the Bahamas because it moved over Hispanola


The massive shift just makes you wonder if we wont see more big shifts towards the US
The last line sums up Dorian perfectly. We’ve seen quite a few hurricane masterfully dance their way around Hispaniola in recent years. It’s still too early for me to say for sure , but I’m leaning towards a miss to the north. Even if it doesn’t perhaps it’s compact size will work to it’s advantage.

Two days ago....
This is one of those rare times I don't like to be right. This is gonna be a rough one to watch the next few days.