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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I always thought it was?

Really? Interesting. I never thought he might be Ken til today when I thought about it based on his conservative forecasting style. He never tried to hint who he was. What convinces you that’s actually him? If that’s really him, I hope more than ever he starts posting here because I think he’s the best in ATL.

Edit: No, it looks like he is Matt Crowther.

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You’re still young, stay away from crazies, yes they are fun but they are puttanas. Stop looking and you will find her. That’s usually how it happens.

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Like I'm not even talking about crazies, like for example a friend of mine has a completely terrible boyfriend who treats her like garbage and she still stays with him.

Or that my ex best friend decided to dump me because she took an innocent comment the wrong way while she let her bff and ex girlfriend manipulate her into a relationship, and was openly hostile to others my ex was interested in before they started dating.

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Like I'm not even talking about crazies, like for example a friend of mine has a completely terrible boyfriend who treats her like garbage and she still stays with him.

Or that my ex best friend decided to dump me because she took an innocent comment the wrong way while she let her bff and ex girlfriend manipulate her into a relationship, and was openly hostile to others my ex was interested in before they started dating.

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Yea I think if I was you I would try and find girls that are older and have there poop straight.

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I can’t believe how much the WPC/NWS offices bit the hook on that analfrontal fail last winter in the Southeast, setup looked fishy from the start, I mean the setup could of supported heavy ass snow with steep mid level lapse rates but it wanted to stay rain because we all know why
Sadly that weather "system" was the epitome of our whole winter.
Really? Interesting. I never thought he might be Ken til today when I thought about it based on his conservative forecasting style. He never tried to hint who he was. What convinces you that’s actually him? If that’s really him, I hope more than ever he starts posting here because I think he’s the best in ATL.

Edit: No, it looks like he is Matt Crowther.


It was the way he would speak, the tone in his posts felt like ken talking, I first thought it was G Burns but since he never complained about traffic I had to scratch that idea. Matt Crowther might be a fake name.

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I love the “Jan 88” storm references the best, even more that superstorm 93, cause that sucked in CLT area!
That model run looks like a Jan 88 redux! ????????
I’m a big believer in Mark Melancon. Good offspeed stuff, fantastic control and great mound presence. I think he’s our best closer. Luke Jackson is looking great in his middle relief role here lately too. Shane Greene needs quit pounding down and away and he'll come around eventually as well. Chop on
I had a record high power bill, which covered the period 7/10/19-8/10/19. Yay, summer!
Here's an interesting tidbit, Anchorage, AK broke their PW record Wednesday with 1.76" of PW. That number wouldn't be out of place here in the summer!
Here's an interesting tidbit, Anchorage, AK broke their PW record Wednesday with 1.76" of PW. That number wouldn't be out of place here in the summer!

Yeap headed for palm trees and gators just like during the PETM.

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When I was a kid and at my grandma's house, and a storm came up, she would unplug everything and listen to a TV radio, and sometimes would say, "We might have to get under the dining table if it gets worse."

Okay I just can't upload photos from Android on here even if I transferred it first to my computer, I don't think. It's a darn shame, because I got some awesome shots from my phone today of a major pop up thunderstorm with tall thunderheads. They weren't even the best shots that I saw either, because I saw the best shots while driving.
Like I'm not even talking about crazies, like for example a friend of mine has a completely terrible boyfriend who treats her like garbage and she still stays with him.

Or that my ex best friend decided to dump me because she took an innocent comment the wrong way while she let her bff and ex girlfriend manipulate her into a relationship, and was openly hostile to others my ex was interested in before they started dating.

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Aye bruh Don’t focus on da females, you can be friends wit em, but mostly just focus on yourself, your future, helping your own life, then one may slide into your life, which happened to me, lol, tends to be like that, and some females like that are attached, and some are scared of breaking up with the “boyfriend” that treats them like crap, then they turn into a female that h around, it be like that sometimes lol, it was definitely like that back at AL brown in kannapolis
Looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I spent last weekend trimming trees and mowing the lawn.