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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

At a busy place like Walmart the lines would be a mile long if police were checking people in.
Seems like when something happens than we get a copy cat before things slack down. I dont think Walmart would spend the money on force protection, but could on some high level stores. I'm a manager for my Walmart and it's a nice and peaceful store to work at, so I hope this continues
100% agree, It’s mental illness. It’s certainly NOT video games. I played first person shooters since the age of 13-14 through now. That’s 2 decades of shooting in video games, learning tactical positions and weapons, etc and I’ll never, ever even think about shooting a real person. I don’t even want to own a pistol. I shoot at my in-laws for target practice, but no AR-15’s just 22’s and pistols....their pistols.

The video game argument just doesn’t make sense because I’m a living example that it has not desensitized me. I know the difference between reality and video games. I’d be trembling if I had to shoot someone, even in self defense.

It takes a mental illness, a warped and damaged mind filled with hate to be able to shoot innocent people. I’m not pro guns or anti guns, but we need to do something to slow this down. If he had a knife or had to reload pistols the death toll would have been less, that’s a guarantee and it can’t be argued. We need to wake up.

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That is true, however you have to admit that if you have a underlying mental illness, the violent video games and movies could be the catalyst. Just because you didn't become desensitized and I didn't become desensitized, doesn't mean it isn't happening at an increasing rate.

That said, Social media I believe is by far the biggest issue because of just the scope of what you can read and what you can do.
That is true, however you have to admit that if you have a underlying mental illness, the violent video games and movies could be the catalyst. Just because you didn't become desensitized and I didn't become desensitized, doesn't mean it isn't happening at an increasing rate.

That said, Social media I believe is by far the biggest issue because of just the scope of what you can read and what you can do.

I love the internet in general. But as usual bad comes with the good. Without social media, which has some really bad aspects, this website wouldn't exist, for example. Would it be worth it to not have this (and other BBs) to avoid the horrible stuff that is promoted by social media?

Admittedly, this Keith Edwards stat of mass shootings by country is misleading to SOME extent due to the relatively high population of the US vs the average of the other countries in the list. In other words, if the list were instead of the ratio of # of mass shootings to population, it wouldn’t look nearly as bad. However, for the most part it still looks pretty bad for the US. Here’s a population adjusted example, Germany:

“Just to compare USA:GER:
US: 327 Mio people = 249 mass-shootings in 2019 so far
GER: 82 Mio people (25% of USA) = No mass-shootings

If we had the same ratio than in the USA it would be
82 Mio people = 62 mass-shootings.
But we have zero mass-shootings so far in 2019”

The biggest issue with comparing nations is the minority populations. America is by far much more diverse than the other nation and always has been which leads to far greater challenges. It also is much more diverse in areas and local traditions.

It's like the whole healthcare debate. Europe is touted for nationwide healthcare and we are bashed, but we will see how they fair as their nations become more unhealthy like we are. Likewise we will see how Europe fairs as more viewpoints are added with their increasing minority populations.

Just for example, how many of those mass shootings are inner city drive by's such as occur in Chicago and Birmingham or a result of the drug trade or drug deals? Our failure is not loving our brother and allowing places to rot.
I love the internet in general. But as usual bad comes with the good. Without social media, which has some really bad aspects, this website wouldn't exist, for example. Would it be worth it to not have this (and other BBs) to avoid the horrible stuff that is promoted by social media?

I think the genie is out of the bottle so to speak. It is a runaway train with little to stop it. We have gotten away from the local economy where you know your neighbors to a online metropolis where you can say your mind with no recourse while hiding in your basement. God can fix anything, but sometimes we cross a line and are left to our own devices.

Admittedly, this Keith Edwards stat of mass shootings by country is misleading to SOME extent due to the relatively high population of the US vs the average of the other countries in the list. In other words, if the list were instead of the ratio of # of mass shootings to population, it wouldn’t look nearly as bad. However, for the most part it still looks pretty bad for the US. Here’s a population adjusted example, Germany:

“Just to compare USA:GER:
US: 327 Mio people = 249 mass-shootings in 2019 so far
GER: 82 Mio people (25% of USA) = No mass-shootings

If we had the same ratio than in the USA it would be
82 Mio people = 62 mass-shootings.
But we have zero mass-shootings so far in 2019”

the large point holds until Germany can match 25% of USA’s mass shootings, which I’m willing to bet my savings, won’t happen. But I understand why it’s slightly misleading but I don’t really see the point.

Our rate of shootings adjusted for ever factor you can try to account for is still higher than anywhere on the planet, that I can assure you.

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the large point holds until Germany can match 25% of USA’s mass shootings, which I’m willing to bet my savings, won’t happen. But I understand why it’s slightly misleading but I don’t really see the point.

Our rate of shootings adjusted for ever factor you can try to account for is still higher than anywhere on the planet, that I can assure you.

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It’s the price we pay for the freedom to own guns.

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If folks wanna get rid of guns, there is one ... only one ... legitimate way.
Amend the Constitution.
Founders allowed for that. There's a process and procedure. Actually two if one reads the Constitution ...
Back to getting ready for Court ...
At a busy place like Walmart the lines would be a mile long if police were checking people in.
Compare to Lowe’s. Lowe’s call center in Wilkesboro. Can’t even enter the gate without an parking tag ID in the window. Most of their facilities have walk in scans, bag checks and wands. They can clear hundreds of people within a few minutes. Now Walmart, even bigger with more money, yet hardly nothing but cameras.
Guns, money and jobs. That’s my answer. We pay for troops, boarder patrol, I would support a tax to pay for security a little closer to home too.
the large point holds until Germany can match 25% of USA’s mass shootings, which I’m willing to bet my savings, won’t happen. But I understand why it’s slightly misleading but I don’t really see the point.

Our rate of shootings adjusted for ever factor you can try to account for is still higher than anywhere on the planet, that I can assure you.

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I would like to know how mental health issues compare from one country to the next, if it's possible to even compare apples to apples. We are never ever going to ban all guns in this country. It will be interesting to see what happens when we finally ban "assault weapons". My guess is that it won't make much difference. Honestly, if we can't address the mental issues, then I don't know if we're going to be able to make much meaningful progress.
I’m a huge supporter of the second amendment, while I don’t personally own a gun I do believe every American has the right to own a gun. However, I will use the basic argument that the constitution was written several hundreds of years ago when the weapons available to the public today did not exist. The founding fathers intended for the consitition to be periodically ‘repaired’ or updated to modern withstanding. While I am in no way saying we should ban guns, I am saying we can alter the second amendment to fit a 21st century society while not infringing on any basic rights.
I would like to know how mental health issues compare from one country to the next, if it's possible to even compare apples to apples. We are never ever going to ban all guns in this country. It will be interesting to see what happens when we finally ban "assault weapons". My guess is that it won't make much difference. Honestly, if we can't address the mental issues, then I don't know if we're going to be able to make much meaningful progress.
Teach your children well
I’m a huge supporter of the second amendment, while I don’t personally own a gun I do believe every American has the right to own a gun. However, I will use the basic argument that the constitution was written several hundreds of years ago when the weapons available to the public today did not exist. The founding fathers intended for the consitition to be periodically ‘repaired’ or updated to modern withstanding. While I am in no way saying we should ban guns, I am saying we can alter the second amendment to fit a 21st century society while not infringing on any basic rights.
The Founding Fathers also had sense enough, if not wisdom, to provide two mechanisms to do that ... both are found in Article V and both require a process, a procedure, and a stated majority of States, not individuals or some group of a vocal populous. Brilliant.
Teach your children well

The Founding Fathers also had sense enough, if not wisdom, to provide two mechanisms to do that ... both are found in Article V and both require a process, a procedure, and a stated majority of States, not individuals or some group of a vocal populous. Brilliant.
Agreed and you know this, they also had the wisdom to create the 2nd amendment in an effort to prevent history from repeating itself, ie a people unable to defend itself against a tyrannical govt. History, especially the history of how our country was founded, often gets lost in this debate as well as an understanding of our constitution

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Agreed and you know this, they also had the wisdom to create the 2nd amendment in an effort to prevent history from repeating itself, ie a people unable to defend itself against a tyrannical govt. History, especially the history of how our country was founded, often gets lost in this debate as well as an understanding of our constitution

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If Shawn would only add a 5 Like option ... ;):cool:
dang. wow. i didnt even know about him but i just gave his "In my section" a listen and i mess with it! Do you have any suggestions by him? My favorite artists right now are 21 savage, Dababy, y YBN Cordae.

He has a few good ones, (first 48) (it ain’t easy) (paradise) (imperfect flower)