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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

No doubt the internet and social media breeds a lot of it

I mean hell you can pledge allegiance to ISIS on there... People have used it to make bombs too... The list is endless

Whats freaky is this guy was from 15 minutes from here and drove 9 hours to this store

Was he after somebody?

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No doubt the internet and social media breeds a lot of it

I mean hell you can pledge allegiance to ISIS on there... People have used it to make bombs too... The list is endless

Whats freaky is this guy was from 15 minutes from here and drove 9 hours to this store
I wonder why he singled out that particular store 9 hours away. Why drive that far? There are Walmarts everywhere.
Was he after somebody?

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Allegedly he hated immigration and i guess because its so close to the border(the closest Walmart to Mexico around here) probably thought he could kill a lot of Mexicans basically

But i mean we have Mexicans here...
It is the convergence of several factors: a growing mental health crisis, a culture that increasingly celebrates violence (movies, video games, social media platforms -- all of which act as desensitization mechanisms), the breakdown of the family, the growing disdain for and outright rebellion against higher moral authority, an increasingly unstable political and social climate, and easy access to deadly weapons.

Can't agree enough. As a former avid gamer a decade or so ago, I look back shocked at what I was allowed to play and watch growing up in a conservative Christian home! I cant imagine what others played or watched then and much more so now.

My kids will not have that chance.
I don't get the video game argument. From what I've seen, it has nothing to do with the games themselves. It's mental health most of the time and upbringing. The parents of the shooters likely didn't raise their kid properly or ignored the signs they needed help. Yes, online interaction has messed up how we socialize, and likely contributes to the growing trend. If you go by the "He did this in his life" route, what's not to say he couldn't have done it because of extreme political, religious, or some other ideology he had or activity he participated in?

100% agree, It’s mental illness. It’s certainly NOT video games. I played first person shooters since the age of 13-14 through now. That’s 2 decades of shooting in video games, learning tactical positions and weapons, etc and I’ll never, ever even think about shooting a real person. I don’t even want to own a pistol. I shoot at my in-laws for target practice, but no AR-15’s just 22’s and pistols....their pistols.

The video game argument just doesn’t make sense because I’m a living example that it has not desensitized me. I know the difference between reality and video games. I’d be trembling if I had to shoot someone, even in self defense.

It takes a mental illness, a warped and damaged mind filled with hate to be able to shoot innocent people. I’m not pro guns or anti guns, but we need to do something to slow this down. If he had a knife or had to reload pistols the death toll would have been less, that’s a guarantee and it can’t be argued. We need to wake up.

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Why is it that theres been so much focus on keeping schools safe when most shootings happen in public places like Walmart or other businesses?
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Admittedly, this Keith Edwards stat of mass shootings by country is misleading to SOME extent due to the relatively high population of the US vs the average of the other countries in the list. In other words, if the list were instead of the ratio of # of mass shootings to population, it wouldn’t look nearly as bad. However, for the most part it still looks pretty bad for the US. Here’s a population adjusted example, Germany:

“Just to compare USA:GER:
US: 327 Mio people = 249 mass-shootings in 2019 so far
GER: 82 Mio people (25% of USA) = No mass-shootings

If we had the same ratio than in the USA it would be
82 Mio people = 62 mass-shootings.
But we have zero mass-shootings so far in 2019”
I would like to actually do a fantasy football league this year. Do we have at least 9 more people interested? I'd like to do the live draft on the night of Thursday the 29th around 8pm eastern.

To go along with that would everyone be interested in it being a 1 year league or multi year? I would love a dynasty or keeper league

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Sorry, realized I put this in the wrong thread...
At this point I don’t care which side of the aisle you’re on, but something needs to be done. Two mass shootings in less than 24 hours? Unacceptable. The manifesto the El Paso shooter allegedly wrote is sickening, I would never expect anyone to still hold on to those views in 2019. I know we are never going to stop mass shootings, but the love of god if we could do SOMETHING to at least prevent one
More jobs might be the answer. Big business like Walmart can hire armed police and check people in.