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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Well, this this is the banter and friendly thread. We should be able to discuss most anything as long as we are civil to one another. However, the topic of religion and faith has a tendency to divide folks, and we don't want that. Having said that, we have a Political thread, a global warming thread, a banter thread, and various weather threads. Maybe we need an "All things religious" thread. At least that will give members a chance to let everyone know where they stand and what they believe in ...... (as long as it is in a civil manner). What do you guys think?
Sounds good to me, but as a theologically educated pastor I may have to keep my distance ?
Well, this this is the banter and friendly thread. We should be able to discuss most anything as long as we are civil to one another. However, the topic of religion and faith has a tendency to divide folks, and we don't want that. Having said that, we have a Political thread, a global warming thread, a banter thread, and various weather threads. Maybe we need an "All things religious" thread. At least that will give members a chance to let everyone know where they stand and what they believe in ...... (as long as it is in a civil manner). What do you guys think?
That's up to you, as long as we treat others with respect.
I will wait for the Mods to give me the green-light before starting the thread.
It's fine by me. Let's just try to be respectful and kind to each other. So go for it, and if another mod or admin has any objections, they can take the appropriate actions.
It's fine by me. Let's just try to be respectful and kind to each other. So go for it, and if another mod or admin has any objections, they can take the appropriate actions.
I'm good with it but all members need to be mindful of 3 things. #1 others WILL have differing opinions than you #2 mods aren't on 24/7 and this thread probably isn't going to be monitored as much as the weather threads #3 posts will be removed at the staff's discretion, if the thread becomes an issue it will be removed as well

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I'm good with it but all members need to be mindful of 3 things. #1 others WILL have differing opinions than you #2 mods aren't on 24/7 and this thread probably isn't going to be monitored as much as the weather threads #3 posts will be removed at the staff's discretion, if the thread becomes an issue it will be removed as well

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Dante's Inferno?
Ok, I couldnt see the June thread except on the main forum list, could see the July thread and now the August thread is like it was for the June one. What is going on?
I'm good with it but all members need to be mindful of 3 things. #1 others WILL have differing opinions than you #2 mods aren't on 24/7 and this thread probably isn't going to be monitored as much as the weather threads #3 posts will be removed at the staff's discretion, if the thread becomes an issue it will be removed as well

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Agree. Hopefully, we can keep it cordial and adult behavior can prevail. So far, the political thread has been mostly well-behaved, which is surprising, given the current political climate.
Apparently the dude was an avid video game player ... not getting into politics about guns, but there is something very weird about some aspects of life in the past 15 years versus ...

You are right sir. Theses video games are desensitizing ( hope I spelled that right) the youth today. Killing and shooting people doesn’t mean the same. Technology is a gift and a curse in so many ways. Death is permanent. You can’t just replay or restart.

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I don't get the video game argument. From what I've seen, it has nothing to do with the games themselves. It's mental health most of the time and upbringing. The parents of the shooters likely didn't raise their kid properly or ignored the signs they needed help. Yes, online interaction has messed up how we socialize, and likely contributes to the growing trend. If you go by the "He did this in his life" route, what's not to say he couldn't have done it because of extreme political, religious, or some other ideology he had or activity he participated in?
I don't get the video game argument. From what I've seen, it has nothing to do with the games themselves. It's mental health most of the time and upbringing. The parents of the shooters likely didn't raise their kid properly or ignored the signs they needed help. Yes, online interaction has messed up how we socialize, and likely contributes to the growing trend.
FS, I invite you into my world. Many folks just simply don't care ... and it's just not about not caring ... they know nothing else but self, much less others ... blame it on parents (I do), blame it on schools (I do), blame it on never having to lift a finger (I do), blame it on many things (I do), but basically we have a society that likes to pass the blame and not take responsibility (real responsibility anyways) ... unless responsibility equates with pointing a finger (rather than honestly looking in a mirror) ... and I fear that's what many do (and fail to do) nowadays ...
Off the soap box and back to reading for court on Monday ...

PS - BTW, I pretend to have no answer, just daily observations over an evolving lifetime ...
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Whatever reason and we might not ever find out it still sucks. He was 21 I believe. It’s 2019, crazy people can get weapons very easily. Unfortunately there isn’t enough good people carrying them to protect us from them. No law or ban will help, all you can do is protect yourself and family as much as possible. I recommend everyone to get a license to carry and go practice at a range, learn to shoot a handgun from different ranges and positions. It might save a life one day.

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It is the convergence of several factors: a growing mental health crisis, a culture that increasingly celebrates violence (movies, video games, social media platforms -- all of which act as desensitization mechanisms), the breakdown of the family, the growing disdain for and outright rebellion against higher moral authority, an increasingly unstable political and social climate, and easy access to deadly weapons.
As far as video games go, it's not the game in and of itself, just like it's not the gun in and of itself. The thing is, if you are constantly exposed to graphic violence, much of which you can actively commit in a "fake" world, it makes the real thing seem doable, especially if you already have an inclination for such an act (mental health issue, parental abuse or neglect, bullying, other preconditioning factors).

It is a sad situation we find ourselves in, with no simple solution. I am afraid things will only continue to get worse.
Are there more mass shootings today than 20-30 years ago or does the media just cover it more these days? Seems to me there are more shootings today and i definitely think social media, technology, video games, etc plays a part in it. I think its easier these days for kids to be anti-social and im afraid its only going to get worse. I really miss the old days when people actually had to communicate with each other.
Are there more mass shootings today than 20-30 years ago or does the media just cover it more these days? Seems to me there are more shootings today and i definitely think social media, technology, video games, etc plays a part in it. I think its easier these days for kids to be anti-social and im afraid its only going to get worse. I really miss the old days when people actually had to communicate with each other.

No doubt the internet and social media breeds a lot of it

I mean hell you can pledge allegiance to ISIS on there... People have used it to make bombs too... The list is endless

Whats freaky is this guy was from 15 minutes from here and drove 9 hours to this store