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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Can anyone tell me what type of insect this is. Literally 50-70 flying 1’ off the ground in my and my neighbors front yards. I don’t want to get annihilated by these things while cutting the grass.
Can anyone tell me what type of insect this is. Literally 50-70 flying 1’ off the ground in my and my neighbors front yards. I don’t want to get annihilated by these things while cutting the grass.
View attachment 21272
Green June Beetle. I remember having those things swarming my yard every year, but they've not been around for the last 3 or so years.
Green June Beetle. I remember having those things swarming my yard every year, but they've not been around for the last 3 or so years.

You are correct sir. Thanks. I googled and apparently they come out of hibernation during peak of summer after a deluge. Mate, bury larvae for next summer rinse and repeat. I received 1.94 from Monday/Tuesday event. Thanks again Forsyth.
You are correct sir. Thanks. I googled and apparently they come out of hibernation during peak of summer after a deluge. Mate, bury larvae for next summer rinse and repeat. I received 1.94 from Monday/Tuesday event. Thanks again Forsyth.
Actually they are on 3 year cycles. The eggs that are laid this summer will not be mature beetles for 3 years. As kids we caught these things every summer and tied strings to their legs.
You are correct sir. Thanks. I googled and apparently they come out of hibernation during peak of summer after a deluge. Mate, bury larvae for next summer rinse and repeat. I received 1.94 from Monday/Tuesday event. Thanks again Forsyth.
That’s why I haven’t seen any!?
Curious when the last time you guys saw some hail? I’ve seen more tornado warnings than hail recently.
My last time was 2014
Had some bigger than pea size this spring. Really have only seen the big stuff quarter/golf ball 2 or 3 times

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Curious when the last time you guys saw some hail? I’ve seen more tornado warnings than hail recently.
My last time was 2014
Last time I saw hail was June 2018 struck gold with an afternoon storm it was only pea sized and didn’t last more than 2 minutes.

Beyond that had some quarter sized hail maybe even a little bigger in April 2015. Came from a tornado warned supercell. That was definitely one of the more intense storms I’ve been seen here.

I also might have had some hail in July 2018 (I think it was July 21st) from an early morning storm complex. I was out of town that day but I saw reports of dime sized hail around the Mall of GA in which I live about 5-10 minutes away from.

Later on that evening there were some more scattered severe storms that developed and I saw a report of tennis ball sized hail in Dacula, GA. Which is about 7 miles to my southwest. Would have been crazy to witness that.

I think I had some larger hail in March 2012 or April 2011 on top of that as well.
Had tennis ball sized hail with a couple of baseballs in May. Destroyed the neighborhood. Of course, I was at work. I missed the fun but had to deal with all the work, clean-up, and repairs. I came home and could not see the ground in the back yard. Limbs and leaves everywhere. We just got our new roof. I think the roofers had a nail and shingle throwing contest. I found about 250 nails in the yard, some of them 35 feet from the house!
Had tennis ball sized hail with a couple of baseballs in May. Destroyed the neighborhood. Of course, I was at work. I missed the fun but had to deal with all the work, clean-up, and repairs. I came home and could not see the ground in the back yard. Limbs and leaves everywhere. We just got our new roof. I think the roofers had a nail and shingle throwing contest. I found about 250 nails in the yard, some of them 35 feet from the house!
Had sleet sized hail last December! ????
I know this is off topic and nothing to do with hail, but I would take one month like January, 2018 every winter, even if the other two months were above average. Despite the last third of the month being above average it was still great.

High: 47.7
Low: 28.9

Highest temp: 69
Lowest temp: 10
Lowest High temp: 25
Highest low temp: 50
Days to never reach above freezing: 4
Snow: 1.5" of powder

There was also a streak of 9 days starting December 31st to January 8th where the temperature did not reach above 39.
Had tennis ball sized hail with a couple of baseballs in May. Destroyed the neighborhood. Of course, I was at work. I missed the fun but had to deal with all the work, clean-up, and repairs. I came home and could not see the ground in the back yard. Limbs and leaves everywhere. We just got our new roof. I think the roofers had a nail and shingle throwing contest. I found about 250 nails in the yard, some of them 35 feet from the house!
You know there are so many things about this that sucks, 1) if you're gonna have mammoth hail you'd at least like see it, 2) obviously the damage it caused and you didn't get to witness it (see 1) and 3) those nails, if you're finding them 35' from the house, they are everywhere and you'll find them later, in a tire of some sort.

And on this issue of hail, unless it happened this year I couldn't tell you (not the exact date anyway), I don't have that memory like all y'all whipper snappers on here Lol