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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Story -
When I graduated law school, my Mom gave me a flowery colored "string" ... about 2 and 1/2 feet long and 3/4 inches wide. It was all wrapped up nicely in in a package. Opened it. Quizzical look. She told me I'd understand some day ... just hang on to it. So, being the obedient son, I did. 4 years later I got married (still am BTW) and my Mom gave me a present. The wrapping paper looked vaguely familiar. I opened it. It was her flowery apron. The one she wore cooking for us as kids. Minus a string. The same one that attched to the sting she gave for graduation. Lesson learned. You can cut the apron string, but parents are always there ...
Time to watch my baby girl graduate HS! Almost empty nesters

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Better not take that victory lap just yet. Kids today don't leave. They make you think they're gonna, but they keep hanging on. Can't spike the ball until you see the taillights shrinking into the distance, as you install the new locks.

But seriously, congrats man.
Story -
When I graduated law school, my Mom gave me a flowery colored "string" ... about 2 and 1/2 feet long and 3/4 inches wide. It was all wrapped up nicely in in a package. Opened it. Quizzical look. She told me I'd understand some day ... just hang on to it. So, being the obedient son, I did. 4 years later I got married (still am BTW) and my Mom gave me a present. The wrapping paper looked vaguely familiar. I opened it. It was her flowery apron. The one she wore cooking for us as kids. Minus a string. The same one that attched to the sting she gave for graduation. Lesson learned. You can cut the apron string, but parents are always there ...
Good story man...and true!

And I hope...I REALLY hope you hit a triple word score with Quizzical. That is a game-breaker right there!
Better not take that victory lap just yet. Kids today don't leave. They make you think they're gonna, but they keep hanging on. Can't spike the ball until you see the taillights shrinking into the distance, as you install the new locks.

But seriously, congrats man.
Thanks RC!

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The nest does get empty ... but only briefly. They'll be back and it's glorious when they arrive (and leave again). And if anything like mine, you'll "inherit" stuff you'd have never imagined for the next 10+ years ... LOL
Again, Congrats!
Thanks Phil!

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Proud dad, I didn't mention earlier but what the heck.... my girl also valedictorian! What a great night

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Dude that is awesome! I'm glad you told us, because that is really great and something to be proud of.
Why does this forum look different? I can't find some of the threads. Especially the show your animals thread
Why does this forum look different? I can't find some of the threads. Especially the show your animals thread
Shawn changed the layout a little bit. The Pets thread should be down the page. One thing that might be going on is that you have your filter set to only show threads with unread posts. That got set as a default, at least for me, after the change. I had to deselect that in the filter menu and then set that as default. Then all the threads showed up.
236 donette donuts in 6 minutes!! A true winner! Beating Joey chessnut , by 36 donuts!