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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Is that storm headed into the upstate trying to take on supercellular characteristics ?! Lol
Me trying to rationale why there is 10x the post in the March thread vs. the Severe thread
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If you look at the post it’s mainly NC people since they are the only ones with even a small chance to see winter weather but I think it’s even slim for them too.

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41 and pouring at least it's not in the 30's and raining.... progress I suppose

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At least we can find a little comfort in the fact that these CADs will probably save our bacon many times over from the inevitably absurd heat at various points in the summer. Summer CAD and the extremely deep & cold domes in the winter that yield significant SN/IP are the only ones I care much for.
Like I said before and I'll say again it's not going to snow in the southeast for the remainder of the winter stick a fork in it this winter is going to also go down as one of the worst Winters in the south as a whole... And don't nobody dare bring up the March of 93 known as the storm of the century and yes the 92-93 winter was disastrous here in Alabama until that storm came...y'all don't shoot the messenger carry on