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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I think we need to say west of Atlanta got snow twice. East of Atlanta to Athens is the place snow comes to die like SC.

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Yea, yall didn't do to well, but still saw some flakes. Poor midlands folks haven't even seen what a flake looks like in 5 years lol
Yea, yall didn't do to well, but still saw some flakes. Poor midlands folks haven't even seen what a flake looks like in 5 years lol
well it did snow here in Columbia March 12th year before last and we had the freak ull Nov 1st I think that was 3yrs ago but yeah no big dogs since 2014
CAE is paying the price for that random Nov 1st snow for the rest of time!
It was isolated. One part of town got nothing, the other got up to 5 inches. The cold air aloft was ridiculous. All rain in Irmo, I drove into Lexington and it was snowing so hard it was sticking on the pavement... on November 1st.
Yea, yall didn't do to well, but still saw some flakes. Poor midlands folks haven't even seen what a flake looks like in 5 years lol
It apparently can snow at the beginning of November in the midlands but not in the dead of winter even with a halfway decent pattern. Doh!
Welp, unfortunately for the people that got nothing then, the snow gods are showing no mercy.
We got snow in March 2017 also, so I can’t complain to much. But it was a half inch and it melted as soon as it stopped snowing. When I say it’s been 5 years, I mean it’s been over 5 years since a Winter storm. November 1st in spots certainly met winter storm critera In spots haha.
We got snow in March 2017 also, so I can’t complain to much. But it was a half inch and it melted as soon as it stopped snowing. When I say it’s been 5 years, I mean it’s been over 5 years since a Winter storm. November 1st in spots certainly met winter storm critera In spots haha.

In November 1st, I remember the NWS telling me "no advisory needed" and I sent a picture and they finally issued one, ROFL.
Yeh that warm nose has been deadly for CAE as of late. It seems as if it’s more and more difficult to avoid it. But I think that has came with model watching more and more as I’ve got older. I’m sure it’s always been there, doing it’s damage.
Im so glad this horrible winter is over temps today made it up to about the middle 70's here in North Central Alabama... On to spring finally I guess I'll start getting ready for early grill season while cutting the grass this weekend