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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I remember it very well. Extremely large hail. The biggest hail I've ever seen in Carroll County.

I think the 2008 outbreak in Atlanta was the worst I can remember. 2-3 straight days dealing with supercell training over ATL. It was pretty fun.

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I think the 2008 outbreak in Atlanta was the worst I can remember. 2-3 straight days dealing with supercell training over ATL. It was pretty fun.

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I will never forget March 2008. I was staying at a hotel because my house had been destroyed by a tornado in February 2008 and I was watching the live coverage all evening.
Yep, March 2008 was the peak of my severe weather experience so far. Back to back days with moderate/high chances at Tornadoes. Only time i've ever been in a storm and was genuinely nervous. Hail was super loud and winds had to be in the 60/70 range. There was a tornado on the ground 3 miles from my house.
I think the 2008 outbreak in Atlanta was the worst I can remember. 2-3 straight days dealing with supercell training over ATL. It was pretty fun.

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It was fun for me for about 2 seconds until I realized what was really happening, then it got scary, once it was over it was a weird relief and exhilaration at the fact of realizing I had just experienced my first tornado close to home. I was going through all kinds of rollercoaster of emotions. It was still an exciting weekend tho, especially the next day on Saturday because it was so warm and humid, I knew we were in for it again, I'm just glad and grateful it wasn't another tornado. My grandmother's home had very minor damage with some sidings blown off and we had a lot of tree damage in the backyard. We were very lucky compared to some of our neighbors who had more home damage. In fact, one of the trees that fell came within feet of falling onto the back of my grandma's house where her bedroom is and where we were in the closet taking shelter. Saturday storms were the first time I actually got to see golf ball sized hail. I heard hail in that tornado, but I didn't see it because I was little preoccupied racing to a closet with my grandma and niece at the time. lol It snuck up so fast, we didn't really have time to run to the basement. Only thing that sucked was not having power most of the weekend because of the downed lines, it made me more anxious because we had to rely on the changing skies and a radio we had that ran on batteries for backup power, listening to different stations to stay alert to what else was coming our way. I vowed to myself I would buy a NOAA radio after that event, 11 years later I still haven't done it yet. Procrastination at it's best. lol
Most nervous I’ve ever been with a t-storm was actually last year, same rotation that gave GSO that tornado went right over my house, it actually weakened over my house then cycled and gave GSO that tornado
This has been a very disapointing winter... Here we are again hoping we get some colder weather or wx weather late Feb early March but as usual the models continue (like all winter) to show cold or potential storms only to change to something we know that's going to be the opposite... Guys it's the 21 of February and we still have not had even one legitimate snow storm in the southeast besides the North Carolina storm back in early December... Guys we are beyond strewed for the winter...
Hey quick question. Has Boston, Mass caught up with Hawii in snow accumulations for this winter yet? What about more than Vegas? Asking for a friend...
This has been a very disapointing winter... Here we are again hoping we get some colder weather or wx weather late Feb early March but as usual the models continue (like all winter) to show cold or potential storms only to change to something we know that's going to be the opposite... Guys it's the 21 of February and we still have not had even one legitimate snow storm in the southeast besides the North Carolina storm back in early December... Guys we are beyond strewed for the winter...

I know, it still amazes me. I've been trying to move on and focus on next winter but I'm just in disbelief at this winter. All the hype there was, all the talk about how great it would be, how we should just wait til ___ and then ___ came and we were still waiting and now here we are, spring is right around the corner. I just am like wow tbh

and now to see all this snow in places that have worse climo than us smh

I had a feeling there was too much hype back in November but for literally nothing to happen is shocking
I mean unless something changes in the next 2 weeks we didn't even have a real winter storm threat here this year... lol the December storm wasn't jack over here

Even last year had threats, they may have missed us to the SE but there was threats :p