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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Better get outside and enjoy the sun while you can... because next week we are looking at 5+ straight days of rainy/cloudy conditions and maybe flooding concerns depending on how much falls.
Looks like the Euro goes from very bad to catastrophe for Atlanta if you want any kind of cold or winter-like weather in the next 10 days. It does show about 2" of rain, but I bet that shifts about 150 miles to the north. I bet we are looking like maybe .75" to 1" and very warm through the period (for February). That SE ridge is STRONG!!!
Better get outside and enjoy the sun while you can... because next week we are looking at 5+ straight days of rainy/cloudy conditions and maybe flooding concerns depending on how much falls.

Ugh! I hate rain. If it isn't going to snow in winter, I'd rather it be sunny and in the 70s. The rain has been horrible going back to last year.
This ran can get out. I'm ready to get on these spawning fish, and starting going to the golf course on the weekends without hitting in puddles.
The fish won’t mind the rain! The bass spawn when dogwoods are blooming, that’s only about a week away!!
I can't believe people still look at the FV3. It is absolutely horrible. Scores worse than the Canadian.. that is saying something. The 84 hour NAM is more reliable.
I stopped looking at it after it showed a glorious February pattern only to crumble like an old building during a California earthquake.
As far as people not liking rain I got some bad news for you. We live in the south where cold rain and lots of it are common. If you want a dry and mild pattern of 70 degrees you’d better move to San Diego or LA. Even our driest and record drought years here in the southeast are absolute monsoons for Californians. I remember when I was driving out here to move from California in July of 2006 and ran into my first afternoon thunderstorm while in Oklahoma. It scared the living daylights out of my wife and I as we had no clue about weather away from San Diego which gets maybe 2-3 claps of thunder a year. I remember yelling why the hell is it pouring rain in July? You see in San Diego it only rains from November-April and very little at that. I believe we got around 10-12 inches per season. Obviously mountains and such got more as you have many different climates very close to eachother out there. People will joke that California is the one place you can surf, ride motorcycles in the desert and ski in the mountains all in one day. And it’s true actually as I’ve seen articles of people who traveled there to do just that. I’m not sure why I’m on this rant but I guess it’s because I’ve come to the reality that this winter is toast. Snow or no snow though I’d never give up living here just to have nice weather in California. The majority of people there are snobby jerks who would make red neck jokes and imply that people from the south are slow. But in living here for almost 13 years I’ve discovered it’s not true one bit and the people in the south are some of the nicest and kindest people in the country. The few times I’ve gone back to visit California I couldn’t get back here and away from those people fast enough. I use to consider myself one of them but not anymore, not for years now. I may have been born and raised in California but I’m a Tennessean / southerner at heart.

Have good day y’all ?