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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

That some folks insist on discussing weather on this forum.

We go back a pretty long way and have never had a quarrel as far as I know. I think you have a lot of people who respect your normal contributions and would like to see things go back that way. There isn’t a problem that can’t be worked out fairly. If you’re legitimately at a place where you don’t want to work trough this and are hell bent on whatever it is that you’re hell bent on, then just leave. That’s not what most people want. I’ve always tried to be respectful to you, to my knowledge. I wish you’d extend some grace and stop this and work through the situation in a better way.
But there is the whole narcissist problem tho. Ain’t happening. It’s a lost cause. I work in management and see it all the time. Dude is text book.
Dude that's what my anger management therapist said. Wait, Jorge, that's not you is it?!
its a glitch in the system. If you know what your looking for, you will realize that this is the glimpse into reality. That is, we are in a simulation. There is no free will. Not only that but the programmers running the system are just 1's and 0's to a higher dimension. There is infinite layers. You should now realize that every game you have ever played; is real to the players inside the game... The thing to take away from this is that no matter what you do their are no regrets and you ofcourse did not choose to perform that action... And that my friends is destiny. its a hard reality but the truth it is....