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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I like having this thread as a way for users to complain about not having snow, but some of the posts on here some to single out a particular user. I don't understand all the snarky comments about Brick on here. He's a snow weenie like the rest of us. He got 9.5" of snow in December. I know most of the rest of the board wasn't nearly as lucky, but Brick is way more positive than most of the rest of the board. Most of us are just frustrated with how the winter is going and it's fine to complain about not getting the snow we want, but I feel like this thread has turned into complaining about more than just the winter.

This 110%.
I know how to police myself and when to be serious, but then again I'm also at the secrant, which is a trash talk forum 24/7 365. They got under my skin at first but I survived it.
As someone who has also spent plenty of time on the rant, and enjoyed it, I really wouldn't want this place to be like that website.
Just polished off another 5 wings and some frozen fries that were cooked with that wing sauce that I made yesterday for lunch, and I'm going to have a couple small pieces of candy now...I'm fat at heart even if I'm not actually fat.

(I'm not looking forward to this thread not being a safe space for me)

Today's weather is great but later in the week it's going to feel hot outside for me when I go.
This thread is going and so the banter thread will be picking up business..... with that in mind I thought I'd give an example of what will be allowed and what probably will not (btw this is just my opinion)

I'm good with this..... and it's funny

Also good with this (not very funny) but good with it

Kind of funny but not good with (since it basically takes an indirect shot at this board, it's admins/mods)...
I like having this thread as a way for users to complain about not having snow, but some of the posts on here some to single out a particular user. I don't understand all the snarky comments about Brick on here. He's a snow weenie like the rest of us. He got 9.5" of snow in December. I know most of the rest of the board wasn't nearly as lucky, but Brick is way more positive than most of the rest of the board. We shouldn't make fun of him just because he got snow and you didn't. Most of us are just frustrated with how the winter is going and it's fine to complain about not getting the snow we want, but I feel like this thread has turned into complaining about more than just the winter.
I don't think the source of poking at Brick was jealousy over the snow he got. Not going to go further down on that topic, but I will say that indirectly making a snarky or condescending post about "some people" when everyone knows who the "some people" are that are being referred to, and then getting offended that one of the "some people" poke back at you at some point is a bit hypocritical. There are posters on this board who have a good degree of comfort level griping indirectly about other posters in that manner. And there are other posters who are more overt in their singling out of someone. Responding to a post with a roll-eyes gif is just as much of a problem as calling someone out directly with a condescending tone. If the sensitivity to all of it remains this high, then we're going to have to put a stop to all of it. The indirect stuff and the inferences as well as the direct snarky posts.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughtful response.
I personally feel this thread has allowed some to be a bit more bold with their complaining. We've seen more baiting in this thread, arguments, etc so I guess that depends on whether it's something that would be moderated differently if this thread stays or goes. Ever since this thread has opened it has seemed to affect the overall feel of the board with a bit more of a "toxic" influence. I've seen people purposely trolling each other, arguing openly with mods or other members, etc. which I feel this thread allows a lot of and creates problems because of that. I personally would rather all banter stuff go in one thread, I don't mind the complaining but I do hate the trolling and personal attacks that go on. Whether that's solved through a different method to the moderation or eliminating this thread doesn't matter to me.

Thanks for the thoughtful post here as well. We can kill the thread and go back to the way it was. I seems like that's the consensus. So, that's fine. I just hope we don't have to hear about how complaining about the pattern, the storm, or the snow missing someone's house is cluttering up the Banter thread. It's been nice having that thread stay relatively clean (until maybe today). But I'm happy to scroll past stuff.
Can we take a poll on whether or not to kill the thread. I think the majority enjoy this thread. I usually don’t get on here much when the weather is boring like it is now, but this thread keeps me coming. Very entertaining for a lot of people.
Can we take a poll on whether or not to kill the thread. I think the majority enjoy this thread. I usually don’t get on here much when the weather is boring like it is now, but this thread keeps me coming. Very entertaining for a lot of people.
A vote wouldn’t make a difference. A few poster has abused the use of this thread. That is why the consideration of it being taken down. So the decision on this thread will be based by only the admin and mods.
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