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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Serious question:

For those that do not like this thread and think it has a toxic effect on the board, which I'm open to that idea, are you ok with 90% of the posts here occurring in the Banter thread from now on? Because we created this thread as sort of a parallel to the complaint threads set up in the various subforums at American because whining about the pattern or not getting the snow you were forecast or griping about winter forecast busts or other complaints were showing up in every other thread here. And people were complaining about that. Right now, the complaining is mostly staying in this thread. If you don't want it to be that way, it can easily go back to the other way.
Well Jimmy, I vaguely remember the word "start hell" or something. I'd have to go back and look and I'm not in a postion to right now, but I will at a PC if you remind me.

You can probably figure out what is was from that. It involved a cruise ticket and you starting the talk over on this thread bout it to stir poop up.
Oh I know the one. Said in jest but I guess a computer algorithm can’t pick up on humor. Don’t worry Shawn it won’t happen again though. No more DM’s for me. I really don’t mean to be a major pain in the ass
I really don't have much to add from yesterday except that a disclaimer might/could be needed for the typical layman about how forecasts and opinions you might see on here are not official. But then I wonder if that's even needed based off past history. It might not be right to compare to a video game, but that community that I mentioned a few nights ago, that was actually a hacks/mods community (they weren't done for the win though, it was done for the fun, yeah, weird). It was a small part of a bigger world in that game before the wi-fi for the game shut down.

Most true laymen, and not even those that are here to be snow weenies, probably don't even search out these websites at all. Most of them most likely will just mostly check weather.com, their weather forecast by clicking a button on the remote on TV, have weather apps on their phones (and I know some of y'all here do too), or see a forecast in the local news. My dad knows about my ventures into weather communities, but he mostly is a casual like this too, and he just turned to me a few minutes ago as he was getting ready to go outside and said "so, 80 possible later in the week?" And that was most likely based off of him looking at either the weather forecast he can get by clicking a button on the remote, or the local news.
I've never seen the drama taken so seriously on any other forum like weather forums, its almost like this is the only some place people post. Other forums wouldn't be so coddling and moderators could care less if someone's wittle feelings were hurt.
Fire up the thread!
People come onto these forums pretty much because they're weather weenies and love talking weather with other weenies. There are going to be a few knuckleheads who use the info to plan their life around and find themselves in a quandary when the 84 hour NAM snowstorm doesn't pan out, but by and large, I think that's a small minority. What is really, really, really fascinating to me is observing how irritated people get at someone who constantly complains about not getting snow...and on the flip side observing how irritated people get at someone who gets excited about a 300 hour GFS snowstorm. It seems like a really hard thing for some to accept that others are just going to be different in their demeanor and persuasion on the weather and not get annoyed about it. That doesn't just apply here. The observation carries across multiple forums with multiple formats, focusing on any range of issues: sports, politics, gaming, economics, etc.
On a different note....... did anyone see the TS that was never classified as a TC sitting off the SE NC coast this morning? I know it wasn't a TC but thing darn near had an eye, and even Morehead City NWS said it had "a tropical cyclone like appearance". Was producing 40-45 mph gust along the coast.
On a different note....... did anyone see the TS that was never classified as a TC sitting off the SE NC coast this morning? I know it wasn't a TC but thing darn near had an eye, and even Morehead City NWS said it had "a tropical cyclone like appearance". Was producing 40-45 mph gust along the coast.
My boss has a place near Jacksonville. Said it was pouring this morning.
If you guys haven’t gone outside yet today you need too.

Just finished my run and wow what a day outside.

If I were you I’d definitely grill out this evening or play with the kids or anything outside.

It’s wonderful.
Serious question:

For those that do not like this thread and think it has a toxic effect on the board, which I'm open to that idea, are you ok with 90% of the posts here occurring in the Banter thread from now on? Because we created this thread as sort of a parallel to the complaint threads set up in the various subforums at American because whining about the pattern or not getting the snow you were forecast or griping about winter forecast busts or other complaints were showing up in every other thread here. And people were complaining about that. Right now, the complaining is mostly staying in this thread. If you don't want it to be that way, it can easily go back to the other way.
I like having this thread as a way for users to complain about not having snow, but some of the posts on here some to single out a particular user. I don't understand all the snarky comments about Brick on here. He's a snow weenie like the rest of us. He got 9.5" of snow in December. I know most of the rest of the board wasn't nearly as lucky, but Brick is way more positive than most of the rest of the board. We shouldn't make fun of him just because he got snow and you didn't. Most of us are just frustrated with how the winter is going and it's fine to complain about not getting the snow we want, but I feel like this thread has turned into complaining about more than just the winter.
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Serious question:

For those that do not like this thread and think it has a toxic effect on the board, which I'm open to that idea, are you ok with 90% of the posts here occurring in the Banter thread from now on? Because we created this thread as sort of a parallel to the complaint threads set up in the various subforums at American because whining about the pattern or not getting the snow you were forecast or griping about winter forecast busts or other complaints were showing up in every other thread here. And people were complaining about that. Right now, the complaining is mostly staying in this thread. If you don't want it to be that way, it can easily go back to the other way.

I personally feel this thread has allowed some to be a bit more bold with their complaining. We've seen more baiting in this thread, arguments, etc so I guess that depends on whether it's something that would be moderated differently if this thread stays or goes. Ever since this thread has opened it has seemed to affect the overall feel of the board with a bit more of a "toxic" influence. I've seen people purposely trolling each other, arguing openly with mods or other members, etc. which I feel this thread allows a lot of and creates problems because of that. I personally would rather all banter stuff go in one thread, I don't mind the complaining but I do hate the trolling and personal attacks that go on. Whether that's solved through a different method to the moderation or eliminating this thread doesn't matter to me.