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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I enjoyed the Tony Romo Skechers commercial about making his life easy, especially the part showing him putting into that gigantic hole. I liked that and the 100th anniversary NFL ad.
I was at work except for when I was eating dinner which just happened to be when Adam Levine decided to take his shirt off

Yeah, there went eating lol

They've definitely had much better halftime shows. Were these guys EVER good?
What does that blue color mean on the 240 hour map of the 0Z Euro? I see some in the SE but I've never seen it there before.

Edit: I forgot to say I liked the Harrison Ford commercial, too.
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Not trying to single anyone out here specifically. Just quoting some messages that I quickly scanned over and thought needed to be addressed.

Even though I’ve posted in it some with some silliness, myself, I wouldn’t be upset if this thread were terminated. If it is really leading to the creation of cliques and although it has its positives (like allowing venting), I think the negatives would be more significant than the positives. But if it stays, it stays. And unfortunately, cliques are sort of a bad side of human nature. They’re very hard to avoid. The growth in membership makes it harder to prevent them I think.

This thread is likely toast tomorrow unless people decide to act right. I feel like this thread, at the very least, needs another title. Cliques, while impossible to eliminate, shouldn't be allowed to run around thinking they can get away with anything because of "tenure".

That’s kinda missing the point with all due respect. I wanted to only speak in general terms. I don’t run to mods in PM with posts asking folks to be moderated. I was just noticing a trend and decided to bring it up, multiple times.

We’ve been told mods are working in the background and have a list of repeat offenders, if that’s not the case and you need our help id say let me know, but I don’t really care anymore to be honest. But just like today, it’s a problem and it’s here to stay.

There is a list of repeat offenders, and I have personally posted a semi-long message in the admin forum tonight addressing that. It's gotta go. Everything has to be fair across the board as a whole.

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Basically, mods are torn between what is banter and what isn't. One thing they are consistent on is bully type posts, where someone is specifically being called out or trolled. We don't like bullies.

I’m actually fine with it staying. I know I’ve said get rid of it in the past, but the people calling members by name need to be moderated. Muted for a while, short term ban, whatever. It’s just not the place for it.

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See my response to Larry's post above.

I agree, let it stay. It's shown the true colors of 90% of posters on the board and has certainly made my decision on whether to contribute or not extremely easy.

Didn't you specifically change your user title to "banned" to make it seem like we banned you not long ago? We had to let our members know countless times that we hadn't banned you because of that.

In fact, I thought I was going to have to disable to custom user option on our site so nobody else would do it. I could have taken the easy way out and just deleted your custom user title or entire account but I didn't. It would have surely made my life a lot easier to just disable custom user titles to prevent the same problem from happening again, but I didn't want to take the privileges away from the majority of our members.

This isn't an attack on you, but why would you do that?

I feel the same way. The thread was made mainly because of two posters who are obvious trolls but are still allowed to post. Why not just get rid of the trolls and keep the banter thread like it was?

This thread was made to appease a certain set of members that just couldn't listen or follow the unspoken board rules. They wanted to complain about the computer models in the pattern thread and it was made so they had a place to "whine" about the models specifically.

Obviously, this thread is more popular than our banter thread we have, and that may be a problem. One of them has to go. It seems like with all the trolling in this one, that this may be the one to go since it's causing the most division right now. Maybe it's the title/theory of the thread. We are planning on changing (at the very least) the title around.

But obvious mocking, snark, and general mean spiritedness should not be allowed.

Again, you are right Brick. It's not fair. I have personally seen people quote and attack things you say just to rile you up. We don't want that for any member here. I think some people think they can troll you because they know you will complain about it and say something back to them. Some people think trolling is a form of power and they prey on members they can "one up".

Personally I like the a-hole 1300 better than the know it all 1300. Welcome back you pattern recognizing SOB. You NAILED the early feb pattern! Southern slider FTL!

Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. You know a lot of what you post is to start problems. You're nice to the mods and stuff when they remove a post from you, warn you, or send you a private message., But lets be real.. you also message other members and try to start drama on here in the threads. Mack, stop tattle-telling on Jimmy!

I saw Brick in another commercial, driving the Nut Mobile, he’s parked the weenie Mobile for the winter!

You are specifally trying to bait/troll Brick here. I know you think its fun to mess with Brick. He's a snow weenie, for real. He loves snow, just like the majority of the board. You know that he will respond and you'll tick him off. This is a huge problem. We put up with a lot of your trollish and snarky posts, but directly mentioning a user by name is not cool.

Bunch of damn snowflakes...if you don't like this thread...DON'T OPEN IT...it really is that easy. Sorry just catching up on all the drama from today, had to drive across State for business this week. Go Weather!
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You're right but we staff are human, and we have different opinions and ideas about what posts should be moved, deleted, and warned. This thread is becomming toxic.

Anyway, so here is the deal guys. I posted about a month ago in the main threads to get along, stop making things hard, etc. I will be the bad guy if I have to, and do what needs to be done to eliminate the drama around here. I don't want to ban or revoke anyone's posting permissions at all. I also don't want it to look like there are some that get away with things while others don't.

A set of basic rules will go up in the next day or two outlining what we accept and what we don't accept. From there on, blatant disrespect to fellow members, hate speech, "drama starting", and trolling is kaput and will be dealt with immediately.

I can't believe, on a weather forum of all places, that some have to take what is built here and turn it into this. We never, ever, ever wanted to have to impose any kind of rules, bannings, post limitations, user titles, or anything else like that. We are at the point where we are going to have to impose rules for the good of the board as a whole.

I personally enjoy reading everyone's angst, opinions, and knowledge on this board. To the members who know they are walking a line (and you guys definitely know who you are), just stop. Learn about the weather. If you disagree with someone about something, have a healthy debate about it. If you don't understand something, ask. I think we have a good community as a whole. Don't be the rotting apple that spoils the whole bunch.
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Not trying to single anyone out here specifically. Just quoting some messages that I quickly scanned over and thought needed to be addressed.

This thread is likely toast tomorrow unless people decide to act right. I feel like this thread, at the very least, needs another title. Cliques, while impossible to eliminate, shouldn't be allowed to run around thinking they can get away with anything because of "tenure".

Basically, mods are torn between what is banter and what isn't. One thing they are consistent on is bully type posts, where someone is specifically being called out or trolled. We don't like bullies.

See my response to Larry's post above.

Didn't you specifically change your user title to "banned" to make it seem like we banned you not long ago? We had to let our members know countless times that we hadn't banned you because of that.

In fact, I thought I was going to have to disable to custom user option on our site so nobody else would do it. I could have taken the easy way out and just deleted your custom user title or entire account but I didn't. It would have surely made my life a lot easier to just disable custom user titles to prevent the same problem from happening again, but I didn't want to take the privileges away from the majority of our members.

This isn't an attack on you, but why would you do that?

This thread was made to appease a certain set of members that just couldn't listen or follow the unspoken board rules. They wanted to complain about the computer models in the pattern thread and it was made so they had a place to "whine" about the models specifically.

Obviously, this thread is more popular than our banter thread we have, and that may be a problem. One of them has to go. It seems like with all the trolling in this one, that this may be the one to go since it's causing the most division right now. Maybe it's the title/theory of the thread. We are planning on changing (at the very least) the title around.

I am banned - I have no intentions of ever posting weather analysis on this forum ever again and I only came back to address the BS posts of one user who ironically enough you didn't feel the need to address in your list here. You might as well delete my account, I'm never actually coming back. And my account has been sabotaged anyway, the stats are completely corrupted and my reputation was long ago destroyed - so please make your life easier and delete it.

It's also ironic that you say "From there on, blatant disrespect to fellow members, hate speech, "drama starting", and trolling is kaput and will be dealt with immediately." and yet you didn't address the user who started this entire episode, and this isn't their first time calling me out either, nor did any other mod until I brought it up.
I am banned - I have no intentions of ever posting weather analysis on this forum ever again and I only came back to address the BS posts of one user who ironically enough you didn't feel the need to address in your list here. You might as well delete my account, I'm never actually coming back. And my account has been sabotaged anyway, the stats are completely corrupted and my reputation was long ago destroyed - so please make your life easier and delete it.

It's also ironic that you say "From there on, blatant disrespect to fellow members, hate speech, "drama starting", and trolling is kaput and will be dealt with immediately." and yet you didn't address the user who started this entire episode, and this isn't their first time calling me out either, nor did any other mod until I brought it up.

Was it the one where someone said something about your forecast, the NoSnowATL one?

Also about your "stats". I got your message and offered to repair it for you since the migration to the newer software and you said it was okay.. I can still fix it?
Was it the one where someone said something about your forecast, the NoSnowATL one?

Also about your "stats". I got your message and offered to repair it for you since the migration to the newer software and you said it was okay.. I can still fix it?

Wasn’t me. I like 1300. Wish he would stay. We need more real Mets here. I wish everyone would just be friendly and not take everything personal. This place is made to make you laugh so you don’t cry because of this crappy winter.

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Saw my first daffodil flower imby today! Just sad! The week of 70s and 80s should speed that up! Local mets hyping Thursday as a high of 76, old record-70!! Rarified air incoming!!
Anyway, so here is the deal guys. I posted about a month ago in the main threads to get along, stop making things hard, etc. I will be the bad guy if I have to, and do what needs to be done to eliminate the drama around here. I don't want to ban or revoke anyone's posting permissions at all. I also don't want it to look like there are some that get away with things while others don't.

A set of basic rules will go up in the next day or two outlining what we accept and what we don't accept. From there on, blatant disrespect to fellow members, hate speech, "drama starting", and trolling is kaput and will be dealt with immediately.

I can't believe, on a weather forum of all places, that some have to take what is built here and turn it into this. We never, ever, ever wanted to have to impose any kind of rules, bannings, post limitations, user titles, or anything else like that. We are at the point where we are going to have to impose rules for the good of the board as a whole.

I personally enjoy reading everyone's angst, opinions, and knowledge on this board. To the members who know they are walking a line (and you guys definitely know who you are), just stop. Learn about the weather. If you disagree with someone about something, have a healthy debate about it. If you don't understand something, ask. I think we have a good community as a whole. Don't be the rotting apple that spoils the whole bunch.

Just my 2 cents worth but I feel it would probably be a good idea to get rid of this thread. There have been a lot of issues since it was created and while it was a good idea in theory, it just hasn't worked out very well imo. This thread has become a place of constant negativity, baiting, trolling, arguments, etc that just weren't nearly as prominent until it was started.