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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Just to show how "interested" I am in college basketball anymore, Kentucky is (at least right now) getting their butts kicked, and I'm not even batting an eye. #meh
Reading JB’s thoughts today it’s hard to give up totally on winter. His analogs are convincing of winter’s return. We shall see. This winter is in a suck league of its own so who know wth is going to happen
Persistence forecasting and mother nature will do what she will may be the new way to forecast (really meaning the former). I'm one foot in, one foot out though. In other words, I have my towel ready but don't want to throw it.
I'm taking a break from taking model runs seriously, but the ice storm I'm seeing on the FV3, can't lie, it rustles my jimmies a little.
Reading JB’s thoughts today it’s hard to give up totally on winter. His analogs are convincing of winter’s return. We shall see. This winter is in a suck league of its own so who know wth is going to happen
I think his research is sound. But I think there is an X factor at play. We can say it’s the warming climate. But we really don’t know that. Not for sure. But there is something going on, that at least somewhat nullifies reasonable analogs. Therefore, I think you almost have to give extra weight to persistence, at least until it proves itself otherwise. Not sure history/analogs are working so well right now.
I’m still punting the rest of winter but this 7’ish day event is now interesting because it has disappeared then torched them reappeared on the FVTree so that’s at least pretty cool even if it rains I guess..