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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I’m still waiting on the backloaded winter since everything up to now has failed .

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I have now conceded. Sometimes there is simply nothing you can do but to just bend over and take it, here it comes. This is one of those moments.
Hard to be believe we torch with this...but we will.

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The European is the only major model showing a rapid move out of the loop and into 7 and eventually 8. It is literally our only hope to salvage winter. All other models go way back and stall in 6 and/or 7 before moving on or into the COD. If they are right, it’s pretty much game over. If the Euro is right, then what I said the other day about winter coming in strong around the 15th will pan out. I believe it will. And if you have to have a model on your side, it’s good that it’s the Euro. But it is making me nervous!
You could be a complete ignoramous to weather and still throw out a winter forecast for the South that would be decent
“We’ll be looking at slightly below temps with a lot of rain this El Niño season. Look for periodic f cold spells with occasional flurry activity followed by warm temps.” There JB I got your next El Niño forecast. I take PayPal
Just waiting for my surprise march ULL that produces 5” of snow in 3 hours