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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Can anyone tell me if we've ever had a snowstorm after we've hit 70?

Yeah, we have, and if you actually stopped being sarcastic and thought about it since you have been living here you should know it's actually a good thing to have the back and forth if you like chances for big winter storms.
Yeah, we have, and if you actually stopped being sarcastic and thought about it since you have been living here you should know it's actually a good thing to have the back and forth if you like chances for big winter storms.
70! 70! 70!

The NAO doesn't matter as much as what happens in the Pacific. If you want it cold, you need a favorable EPO and PNA. We've had good storms with +NAOs

1. The following big SE storms didn’t have a -NAO: 2/1973, 3/1980, 3/1983, 1/1988, 3/1993, & 3/2009. These are just the ones off the top of my head as there are 4-5 others.

2. From what I’ve recently learned, there can be strong Greenland blocking and the NAO be near neutral. I think that’s what’s going on in recent days of model runs. So, just because the NAO is neutral doesn’t mean that there isn’t a strong Greenland block, which is really what we’re looking for.
Lol, you still never answered that question. Do it or stop bringing it up.

I just answered there. No reason for acting like that. You sarcastically asked about the 70 thing to make fun of me and then posted the other gif to do the same. Really uncalled for, especially by a mod.
I just answered there. No reason for acting like that. You sarcastically asked about the 70 thing to make fun of me and then posted the other gif to do the same. Really uncalled for, especially by a mod.
So you can call out other posters as much as you want but can't take any ribbing back? Mmmmkay. That makes sense. You're not being overmoderated or treated unfairly. But you do have a tendency for griping a lot.
So you can call out other posters as much as you want but can't take any ribbing back? Mmmmkay. That makes sense. You're not being overmoderated or treated unfairly. But you do have a tendency for griping a lot.

When have I mocked another poster for what they have said? When have I openly made fun of another poster?
Brick I was minding my own business in the main thread and you came in with a sarcastic comment. You started this. Now you play victim? Unreal

All I said was if you're going to crap on people being optimistic then do it in the whining thread. No need for that in the main thread.
Man we sure do need some snow around here... People are so on edge and sensitive right now... can't we all just be nice to each other? There's also an ignore button that works very well if needed....

It’s only one guy with issues 24/7 now that 1300 is gone/ only watching and making his list. Can we vote on this one too?

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When have I mocked another poster for what they have said? When have I openly made fun of another poster?
You call posters out all the time. And moreover, you insinuate and infer things quite frequently. Go back and look through your posts if you want examples. You'll also find a lot of complaints about moderation and posters being allowed to stay here, etc. The posts are still there. Not deleted. Not overmoderated. Not treated unfairly.