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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I'm saying the whole getting pumped about day 10 thing seems very premature. Especially after what we have seen the past few weeks. I didn't say Winter is over. I don't want to bust anyones bubble. sheesh.

Well you have to start somewhere I guess. I would never believe a forecast 10 days out but it’s a start and you can see trends etc. I don’t believe anyone believe winter is over just yet. Once I see Web post the white flag I will believe it.

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Well you have to start somewhere I guess. I would never believe a forecast 10 days out but it’s a start and you can see trends etc. I don’t believe anyone believe winter is over just yet. Once I see Web post the white flag I will believe it.

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I certainly don't think it's over even though deep down, I'd be lying if I said I thought we still have a chance down here in the Midlands. But, like many on here have said, Mid February is a climo favored time frame around here so we still got that working for us. I have seen Eric post many things on here that kinda throw that vibe, but I am sure that's just out of frustration from nothing coming into friction besides the Dec storm, even as we enter February. I still cling to a little hope. But I am starting to think Spring thoughts now. So hopefully if we don't show Mother Nature attention, she'll get offended and deliver. Lol
This cold is just ridiculous. It probably wont even make it to 0 today. I am all for cooler weather but this is just insane. How the heck is it 40-45 degrees colder here than Atl today. Did the arctic air skip the deep south?

The cold is wrapped tightly around the PV lobe and not pressing that far south. If the PV were to drop further south they would be much colder too but as it is the PV is keeping the bulk of the cold air in the Midwest to Northeast US region.
The 6z FV-3 is essentially a parade of southern stream storms and cold arctic highs in the medium to LR portion of it's run. If something like that comes to fruition, and I expect it will for a time, we are going to be very busy. This thread might actually even outpace the complaint thread for a short time!
The NAO doesn't matter as much as what happens in the Pacific. If you want it cold, you need a favorable EPO and PNA. We've had good storms with +NAOs

Yes, but when the Pacific is not cooperating (like it's not now), the ridge is off the coast and you have a western trough, you absolutely need a great -NAO to beat down the flow and produce cold in my opinion.

To have any chance, the -NAO really needs to show up to beat down the SE ridge assuming the pacific remains jacked as it has alot of this winter.
This winter sucks. It was pouring rain this time yesterday and now I’m out here installing backflow preventers in a 25 degree wind chill. I’m ready for some beach weather tbh. This ---- is beyond exhausting at this point. I’m just glad winter didn’t suck this bad when I was a kid or I wouldn’t have had any interest in it.
Honestly at this point it could snow 10” in late February and I would still give this winter a D+ at best
This winter sucks. It was pouring rain this time yesterday and now I’m out here installing backflow preventers in a 25 degree wind chill. I’m ready for some beach weather tbh. This ---- is beyond exhausting at this point. I’m just glad winter didn’t suck this bad when I was a kid or I wouldn’t have had any interest in it.
Yes it's just annoying cold. Took water to chickens because it was frozen and now refreezing. I don't see how people say it's not cold. Last year too, living in temp house while building new house, it was 11 degrees and pond was frozen for days. I'm tired of suiting up with 10 layers of clothes to work..But I love to do that if there is one ounce potential of winter weather. lol
This winter sucks. It was pouring rain this time yesterday and now I’m out here installing backflow preventers in a 25 degree wind chill. I’m ready for some beach weather tbh. This ---- is beyond exhausting at this point. I’m just glad winter didn’t suck this bad when I was a kid or I wouldn’t have had any interest in it.
Actually I wished it had of sucked this bad when I was a kid and I didn't have any interest in it.... just think of all the time I would've saved.
Actually I wished it had of sucked this bad when I was a kid and I didn't have any interest in it.... just think of all the time I would've saved.
It did for me. I grew up in Valdosta. I prayed for snow and I don't know why people didn't just tell me to forget it BUT I remember 2 snows eventually. I think the 1973 and that was big and weird and a few flurries one time. I was so happy when I moved to Athens and saw bigger snows. It was miraculous. Especially 93. And that was actually the one time I was out bar hopping and didn't think it would snow at all nor did I care. Wow just Wow! Sooo If everybody would just forget the models, forecast and go bar hopping, maybe we would get a big dog. LOL LOL
Just like they consistently showed an epic cold pattern for cold that didn't really verify ;) Ensembles are useful but they aren't gospel; they struggle to pick up on important details due to the way things are smoothed. We are basically seeing a brief reload before a colder shift again around February 8-10 and we may have some winter threats to track for the 8-12th timeframe IMO.

I don't get why folks seem to think it needs to stay cold forever here to get a winter storm, and like we haven't seen our biggest storms here a week after we hit 70.