Anyone know of any decent comparisons between this potential storm and the 2/12/10 storm? I know models had it suppressed but how far out was it suppressed on models? and also, more importantly, how much of a issue was temperatures leading up to that storm? Because in Columbia, I don't ever remember that being an issue. I remember them saying it could briefly start as rain and then go to snow but it started as snow and ended as snow.
I would love to see the H5 look, because it'd give me a good idea how similar it is, I've looked at reanalysis maps for that storm (and many storms), but not an H5 map.
Can't look at surface temps when there is no precip though. 850s are fine, and if they were torching, then there would be a problem. I honestly think in that silly hypothetical world where there ended up being no storm back then, we probably would've stayed in the 40s. Shoot I've looked at the hourly history for then, and I was at 37 when precip was just starting. I remember looking up one minute and there was a mix, then looking up a few minutes later and snow started.
Edit: dang, based off that Arcc post, both 500 mb map looks are eerily similar look wise, dun dun dun. If we get a 2/12/10 like storm, I'm perfectly fine with the next look working out for the midsouth, then would be OK if winter didn't work out after that.