I would really like a do over on having a White Christmas in LaFayette, although I know it’s unlikely to happen. I had fun during that Christmas but the things that happened surrounding it were not great. My aunt’s boyfriend gave us all food poisoning with his cooking, sending my grandma on that side of the family to the hospital for a period from it, I had an odd allergy that would flare up when I went up there in my mid-late teens involving flea bites and I had a bite on each eyelid by the time I got home (I think the fleas thought I was sweet), and to top it off, my cousin’s wife and my aunt got into a catty fight when we left. They’re on good terms now, but for a few years it wasn’t great.
So, please God, give us another southeastern White Christmas this year, where there’s no nonsense going on and I can just enjoy it and enjoy being with family.