DLI4SCwx said:
Shawn said:
2 days talking about half-dollar size flakes and being okay with smaller accumulations. From now on down here especially in CAE, I give up until 12 hours or less out.. and even then I'll still be cautious. It sucks because a lot of areas knew they were going to get something okay and they ended up with absolute garbage.
I hate it for myself and everyone else.

At least I was able to cope the last couple days with the fail. You guys guy screwed.
It sucks big time Shawn, but that's all too often how it turns out down here. I don't even know if I'd trust anything even 12 hours out, until it's literally outside of my window. I tell you what, Jim Gandy is who I will always put my trust in as far as local wx for us is concerned. He never ever has an overraction in situations like these. Also, the folks at the NWS CAE, do an awesome job. They are thorough and informed as they come. I really hate it for all the folks this looked great for and ended up getting nada or way underdone.
I told myself a year or two ago that I wasn't gonna trust anything 'til we're a day away. Now, put me in the group to not trust anything until we're 8-12 hours away.
If Jim Gandy, along with a couple folks on here, start to get excited about our snow prospects, then that will increase my anticipation. Gandy has been on point in these scenarios since I can remember paying attention to him (which, goes back to at least '88).
For example, I'll never forget when folks on The Weather Channel thought our area was done with wintry precip during the early-January '88 snowstorm. I tuned into WIS TV 10 (Gandy was a met there at one point), and Gandy told viewers to expect another batch of snow to come into the area shortly, and we could pick up another inch. Right on cue, that is what occurred. If we're in the short-range, and he's not excited, then one needs to listen.
By the way, I also agree with you, DL, per the Columbia NWS. They're typically on point.