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Wintry 1/7/17-1/10/17 Winter Storm

SoutheastRidge said:
Olaf said:
So much doom and gloom here!

Amen. We need some positive energy in here. Maybe Corey will bring back the positive vibe.
I've been having positive vibes for days...Corey will spice it up more
the ukmet is a little NW of the gfs but it's not doubt weaker vs 12z . still a light event for many

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
RichardJacks said:
The real question is if this look continues-will everyone forecast the sharp northern precip cutoff showin in Alabama? I am having a bit of deja vu.

Someone explain this to me....
SoutheastRidge said:
Dang. I feel special. I told people about this forum on American WX and now several people have joined.

You didn't tell any icky people did you??
Shawn said:
mckinnonwg said:
Noob question:  what is the significance of the parallel model?

Used to test changes to the model before it's set as the operational.  Think of it as a beta test of a model before it goes live!

Thank you!
KatrinaRuns said:
SoutheastRidge said:
Dang. I feel special. I told people about this forum on American WX and now several people have joined.

You didn't tell any icky people did you??

Well, anyone could have seen my post so there may be some icky people join as well :(
Umalak05 said:
Brick Tamland said:
Corey just showed up at American and said Talkweather is broken. He doesn't know about this board yet.

Heck I'm not Corey but I been hovering around American for awhile now and just saw the post about the new forum... it's like coming in from a long cold dark night with friends with a fire going and coffee on... good to be home

Was thinking the same thing.  I don't post much but just feels like home.
Dang it feels like we're getting the band back together.
Brick Tamland said:
Corey just showed up at American and said Talkweather is broken. He doesn't know about this board yet.

You could tell him?
Good to see all the old Talkweather people in here. :)
So glad to find this site!!! I have missed talkweather and glad to be back home
SoutheastRidge said:
CoreyandFrosty said:
This is talkweather? How come nobody told me?? LOL

Corey !!! We've been wondering where you've been !

LOL. I have been going back to talkweather like once a week. It won't work and then I figured it was gone. I was pretty disappointed but my sister let me borrow her cat. So......I figured it was a good trade off. I figured you can't get something good like a part time pet without losing something else good.
Yes! So glad to have everyone from TW over here.
SnowFlowXXL said:
CoreyandFrosty said:
This is talkweather? How come nobody told me?? LOL

Welcome!! How are those worms??

LOL. I think they might have left. It's hard to say though.
SoutheastRidge said:
Weatherlover92 said:
SoutheastRidge said:
Storm5 said:
12z para trended towards the gfs . but it's two cycles old so it does not really mean a hill of beans

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Wow basically no snow for Atlanta. A road trip to Macon may be in order.

Atlanta is in the 2-4 inch range on the 12z Para GFS. How is that basically no snow?

I was referring to the map Storm posted above. Looks like no snow in a huge quadrant in the NW part of GA including much of the Atlanta area.

I know I was talking about the snowfall totals from that specific map, it's from the 12z Para GFS.
CoreyandFrosty said:
SoutheastRidge said:
CoreyandFrosty said:
This is talkweather? How come nobody told me?? LOL

Corey !!! We've been wondering where you've been !

LOL. I have been going back to talkweather like once a week. It won't work and then I figured it was gone. I was pretty disappointed but my sister let me borrow her cat. So......I figured it was a good trade off. I figured you can't get something good like a part time pet without losing something else good.

Are you still living in LA or are you back in GA ?
Aubighitter said:
Dang it feels like we're getting the band back together.

I think I remember you! I was a Winter poster and didn't offer any actual weather scientific info, just scintillating conversations and reactions to weather. I'm wondering just how far my leash reaches before my "warning level" gets above 0%...
While we are on this tangent, what exactly happened to talkweather?? It official @died? I found this site a few days ago after wandering the desert for a couple of months not knowing what to do with myself weather wise....Good to see everyone back here