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Wintry 1/7/17-1/10/17 Winter Storm

Lol hoping us in KCHA get some good snow. its been a few years now but again we got most of the winter weather over the past few events im willing to share with MS, AL, NC & SC.
Webberweather53 said:
Cary_Snow95 said:
Webberweather53 said:
Benholio said:
SD said:
0z nam is a east with the low over Oregon and west with the energy on Montana

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

That's bad, right? We need those two to be further apart?

For those near/south of the I-20 corridor in south-central Mississippi, Alabama, & Georgia this is a favorable trend toward more wintry wx

And bad for RDU :mad:

Nah, it's a different story for the Carolinas... We'll also have to watch the evolution of the shortwave currently in the Eurasian arctic, this system will be over the Great Lakes ~ 4 days. If this digs southwestward and slows down, our southern branch disturbance would get turned northward & vis versa.

Similar to a phase almost once it turns up the Atlantic?
metwannabe said:
NAM doesn't look too different from 18z imo, the first wave looks a little juicier so there's that.... or not.

I'll take it since the first wave is all the models want to give me lately.
Energy flat as a pancake at 48 hrs on latest nam! More interaction, sadly.
Not much northern stream interaction at 500mb on NAM...looking good!!
If this keeps up there's going to be nothing left with all the intetaction.
Can the northern stream please just clear out of the way geez

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LOL, two completely different views back to back.
haha again, contrast in posts from opinion to opinion here. I'm just hoping that there's some clarity by 12z tomorrow
SD said:
It'll be interesting to see how much energy the nam brings through the 4 corners around 60hrs

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Yeah way too early to project how it ends, no doubt it gets sheared, all modeling does that it seems it's more about how it survives once the ns starts pushing out ahead as you said before no way around the interaction
Models should be getting close to a consensus now that we're close to 72 hours from the event right ?
I'm fairly novice, but I'm preeeeeetttttttyyyyyy sure that the last run shows both our disturbance and the northern stream interacting with each other, I just hope it doesn't tear it up completely, but it's going to happen... (interaction, that is)
IDK how anyone can say that there is not more interaction, I have 2 of my monitors on a constant updating frame by frame with 18z on the left and 00z on the right. Much more interaction and flattening @54. Also the surface-850 is warmer.
Also our S/W Is less amped. Just a bad run. Hopefully the rest of the 00z suite doesn't follow the NAM!
Jeez that sw looks like stretch armstrong between two big kids.....
MiddleTNWx said:
I am in northern middle TN, so I need this thing to either come in much further NW...or have the Thursday night system overperform.

If memory serves me correct I can think of several snow shower events that have proceeded deep layers of cold air as they enter...wouldn't shock me if it did over perform Thursday Night for you.
Just trending worse and worse as we get closer. This sucks.
Cary_Snow95 said:
Webberweather53 said:
Cary_Snow95 said:
Webberweather53 said:
Benholio said:
That's bad, right? We need those two to be further apart?

For those near/south of the I-20 corridor in south-central Mississippi, Alabama, & Georgia this is a favorable trend toward more wintry wx

And bad for RDU :mad:

Nah, it's a different story for the Carolinas... We'll also have to watch the evolution of the shortwave currently in the Eurasian arctic, this system will be over the Great Lakes ~ 4 days. If this digs southwestward and slows down, our southern branch disturbance would get turned northward & vis versa.

Similar to a phase almost once it turns up the Atlantic?

It would essentially at least partially phase with this system. The orientation wrt that s/w is key as well, because if the models once again are too fast and shallow with it like they were with our first northern stream PV lobe that will shear our disturbance in the north-central Rockies, then things could get interesting here. If the 2nd shortwave in the northern stream slows and digs, with the southern branch system to it's SE, the area of low pressure off the Carolinas would start to intensify more quickly, turn northward and the entire longwave trough axis would acquire more of a negative tilt which is what's currently shown by the UKMET, JMA, and to some extent the CMC/ECMWF. If you see a southern branch shortwave run out in front an incoming s/w in the northern branch, that's usually conducive to a longwave trough digging more rapidly and phasing the two (or more) streams. Just a possible scenario atm, we'll probably get much closer to an answer on this in another 36 hrs or so... Regardless, I think at this pt, it'll probably be pretty hard to avoid at least a minor event somewhere in central NC.