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Wintry 1/7/17-1/10/17 Winter Storm

I wouldn't be surprised if this thing isn't done coming nw at least some. It would be nice to hit the para bomb, that would make most happy.
keep in mind that sleet/ice has been removed.  much better run for the Euro.  we are going to end up with it a bit further South one would bet.

Shawn said:
keep in mind that sleet/ice has been removed.  much better run for the Euro.  we are going to end up with it a bit further South one would bet.


Yep. I think most of us are going to be pleased once this system is all said and done. Great improvement on the Euro.

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bouncycorn said:
Shawn said:
keep in mind that sleet/ice has been removed.  much better run for the Euro.  we are going to end up with it a bit further South one would bet.


Why do you think a trend south?

The "cold push" shearing it a bit more, but not too bad.  I think everyone will get someone okay from I-20 North in the Deep South and up into NC.
GFS & ECMWF trying to meet somewhere in the middle w/ the energy out west... Im definitely a little more worried than I was a day or so ago about this going north a lot with that shortwave sitting precariously over the Great lakes ~ day 4... If it phases just a little bit with our system in the southern branch then we could get absolutely hammered, but too much phasing and this is a big dog for the Apps, Mid-Atlantic, and northeastern US
Yeah, if you are in the Deep South, worry about a North movement. I feel like that cute little lead wave will help shear it/keep it further South but who knows.
Storm5 said:
farleydawg79 said:
Storm5 said:

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Can you show that image over NGA to see totals. I understand if you cant

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Thanks....would love to see it bloom a little bit earlier so more precip over NGA.  Overall, the trends are coming together.
I figured the new locations would transfer with the new upgrade.  Lets get those locations updated in your profile.  To do it >

Go Here - > http://southernwx.com/community/usercp.php
Then find > "Edit Profile"
Then You Should See The Location area to populate.
The CMC, UKMET, GFS-Parallel, ECMWF, and DGEX now all show big hits for portions of the Carolinas, leaving the operational GFS on it's own atm. Funny how the DGEX has been so consistent on this solution for several days in a row... Even blind squirrels find a nut sometimes
My conclusion a trend to colder and 2 to 4 inches snow event for metro Atlanta. 4 to 8 in NGA. 1 to 3 south of Atlanta to Monroe county. Cold rain to snow after south to Macon.. trace to 1 inch. 
Hey everyone thanks for being on so late though for the Euro run! Since the Euro is coming in line/meeting in the middle with some other Wintry shenanigan runs, we are likely going to start moving posts around a bit more and being more serious with the main thread. Don't worry, we aren't other forums full of jerks.... -->

Some silly posts will stay, but many will end up in the banter thread. So if you post and see your posts gone, don't fret! It's likely just moved unless you're being way out of line.

Just in case for guests, please take a minute to register. It's instant activation and if we have to turn off guest browsing, you won't miss a thing. Lets reel this system in!