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Wintry 1/26-1/28 Winter Storm Potential

This GFS run could be interesting. Energy entering the US much stronger and looks healthier. PV is lifting north a little. Hmmm..
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That cold press is still too much! Like some have said, how can you have that look and temps barely cold enough for snow?
GFS brings the PV over the Great Lakes by 120. The first 72 hours of the GFS were better then after that it went downhill.
Why are yall worried, 2 days later we get another chance
FV3 was much improved at the 5H level. The only thing we need here is for that PV to be north a bit. QPF doesn't make it to the coast bc of the westerly winds due to the PV pressing down but verbatim with this look if the PV was a bit north you would see this climb the coast. This was a great run and honestly 132 hours out the PV is going to shift around a lot.
Glad to see some improvement. Still a ways to go. We have seen storms come back north just 48 to 72 hours out before. Not sure why folks would give up already.