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Wintry 01/28-29/2022 Winter Weather Potential

Interesting to note almost all models I can see right now show minimal coverage of what’s going on around Kentucky .. more moisture than models seeing right now could mean more moisture for us down the road
Don’t see many ping reports of ground truth though
The 3K starts the precip in the Triad much sooner, like around 5pm. It depicts snow every hour here for the next 12 hours but the clown maps don't reflect much accumulation. Strange. I was expecting something like the FV3 maps.
The Euro, GFS, NAM and HRR all seem to have it starting into the Triad around 5-7pm with snow for most of the night. The 0z HRRR appears to show some much heavier precip with the onset vs. the NAM; but it still only leaves us with 1"-2" in the Triad. I'm not sure if we'll see more. it seems the past two events overperformed vs. 24h-36h out models. My memory tends towards rose colored glasses; so I'll stick with the higher hopes.

At least we'll have the ground temps working for us; I still have foot plus piles of iced up sleet from two weeks ago. But those sun angles...