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Wintry 01/28-29/2022 Winter Weather Potential

I think that's about 3" at @BIG FROSTY's place.
This was extremely close to being a generational type for the East Coast, surprises await, EE 4’ in BOS <66hrs is still very much up in the air. We say these looks come every year, but they just don’t.

It’s been a pretty good January, this is a light glaze on top.
Best post in this storm thread. Folks, espeacilly general public have no clue of the whopper opportunity we just missed on. They come along so rare.
Best post in this storm thread. Folks, espeacilly general public have no clue of the whopper opportunity we just missed on. They come along so rare.
It’s impressive . I’m excited to see the highest totals up there . They could do much of their annual climo in one storm.
I wish to reiterate a couple of points here. I still have issues where the SFC low and also the 850mb Lowe are forming offshore... I think corrections a little further west are coming ... the thermal gradient from Gulf Stream and near shore waters lend me to believe.

Another interesting aspect here is the upper trough overhead the Carolinas... I've seen those basically ignite as soon as the Sun comes up and insolation induces convection to fire, even in the morning hours due to such strong lapse rates...
Best post in this storm thread. Folks, espeacilly general public have no clue of the whopper opportunity we just missed on. They come along so rare.
I realize it. Makes it pretty frickin hard to get excited about some table scrap band that is going to shaft most and leave a dusting-half inch footprint when we were just a fraction away from a bomb at our latitude.