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Wintry 01/28-29/2022 Winter Weather Potential

Yeah, Euro close to giving the Central Carolinas a nothing burger this run.. wouldn't take but one more run like this one a bit faster.. Eastern/Coastal look to get snow though.
Euro wasn't bad slightly more NE with the trough, a little more shallow, and a touch faster moved some of the higher qpf totals around. Still would be a solid area or 2 of banded relatively heavier snow embedded in a decent sized area of light snow shifting E
Euro wasn't bad slightly more NE with the trough, a little more shallow, and a touch faster moved some of the higher qpf totals around. Still would be a solid area or 2 of banded relatively heavier snow embedded in a decent sized area of light snow shifting E

Likely model static tbh
RAH is still not buying that lee side band much at all, which I don’t really understand.

View attachment 111022
48 pages for that snow accumulation map, ugh. Looks and feels like a stock winter storm around here

Here's the Fro K Index loop from the Euro for potential thunder / convective precip

I am getting word they are already talking about base closures at Camp Lejeune for MONDAY!! WTH???
Well. they have already put brine on the roads in Wake County which will get washed away by the rain proceeding what will probably be only snow flurries if the models are on track. For people in Wake County it looks like this a case of being in no man's land between what might be a nice event for Charlotte with the upper air system and the Northeast Coastal areas with the developing costal low. I guess it's good to err on the side of caution but that can be carried to extremes sometimes,