I don't post a lot anymore but I just want to say that this is the time frame where we traditionally start to get bad looks and the models "lose" our storm. There are a few major things to take into consideration here: We have a major mid-latitude cyclone that will traverse the country between now and the time frame for our potential storm. It's never a good idea to buy into the models depiction of the next storm in line before the first storm occurs and all antecedent conditions are set for the models to ingest. It is a mistake some of us make every year. I find it funny that most of us(myself included) STILL get caught up in run to run changes after having been burned over and over and over again! That being said, however, IMO we always want suppression and cold at this range. Insufficient cold air is almost always the problem. Give me a weak storm signal in an overall favorable synoptic pattern at this range all day. Miller A bombs almost never work out. That's why we are so enthralled by them. At the end of the day we all just wanna see the ground white so let's be thankful that the pattern more or less supports this idea at the very least and back away from the ledge.