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Wintry Winters Last Stand / March 11th-13th Winter Storm

Snow moving into Memphis Tennessee

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I'm not sure how you are 42 and i'm 44. I guess the further north you go the warmer it is ?
Maybe it is that since the air is coming from the NW, and I am at a lower elevation, the air at the surface is able to get here faster than in Dahlonega, since Dahlonega is in the mountains, and on the other side of them as well. Also, 42 is the warmest it is near here. 41 is more common per weather stations.
Webber, can you post those 850 temp maps, with the 0 degree lines? Tia

Sure. Here's the surface wet bulb temps as well.
(For those who are unfamiliar wet bulb temperature is essentially the temperature you'd reach if you saturated the column at your current given temperature and humidity. It's important during winter storms like this when you start (as many of us currently are) w/ temperatures in the 40s w/ very dry air in place. The evaporation/sublimation of precipitation within the column cools the atmosphere, thus raising the relative humidities (& dew points), while the causing surface temperatures to fall closer to freezing, which is exactly what is beginning to happen over North Carolina. Thus wet bulb temperature can give you an idea of how cool the atmosphere can potentially become based on sublimation/evaporational cooling alone, however it doesn't account for cold air and warm air advection which can cause the wet bulb temperature to change by altering the actual temperature irrespective of latent heating.)

You can probably get away with wet bulbs of 34-35F here but that's pushing it. 850s are already solidly below freezing over most of NC, while Columbia, SC has about 2C of work to do but it's definitely doable if the precipitation becomes heavy enough...

850mb.gif swbt.gif
Getting lots of mid 30s to my west. Temp down to 42 / 41 and dropping still. If only we got heavier precipitation and the 850s dropped by morning... Oh well. I had snow this year, so it isn't that big of a loss.

The 850's don't seem to be expanding much to the south. I don't think we will see anything :(
dadgumit - wish there was something to contribute tonight ... enjoying Webb's maps, the reading, and ya'all's comments in any event ;)
NAM finally coming to grips w/ reality and shifts the swath of snow considerably northward in NC on the 0z run, almost into RDU...

New run

Old run

what north alabama's chances looking like right now (haven't kept up with this event/thread at all, just happened to take a peak at the radar and became interested)
what north alabama's chances looking like right now (haven't kept up with this event/thread at all, just happened to take a peak at the radar and became interested)
The closer you get to TN the better your chances. The band back toward Memphis could drop an inch or so pretty easily but it'll probably be the set of counties bordering Tn. South of that maybe some snow mixed in with the rain or a brief period snow in heavier precip
Hopefully we squeeze out an inch from this. Even at initialization the 2z HRRR already looks 1-2F colder across NC...
I think you have a pretty legitimate shot the idea of a narrow heavier band looks good. The RGEM upped precip totals again I think I'm in love
This is incredibly frustrating.. I'm in highlands and it's been the sloppiest snow for hours with barely any accumulation. Now, it literally has switched to a rain snow mix..
The closer you get to TN the better your chances. The band back toward Memphis could drop an inch or so pretty easily but it'll probably be the set of counties bordering Tn. South of that maybe some snow mixed in with the rain or a brief period snow in heavier precip

thanks, im near the huntsville area, so I'm about as extreme north as you can get...would love to see some flakes fly