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Wintry Winter Storm Dec 7-10

Looks like the 20/59 corridor east of B'ham was the big winner, as some of us pointed out the last couple of days. While we only got about 4 total inches in southern Etowah County, its awesome to see what evolved in Cleburne, Clay, Calhoun, etc. They really racked up. So now we have to ask why.....Why, when all the models pointed to this, did none of our professional Mets get it? Are our Mets so novice with winter weather that they just don't know what to do in these situations? How do we hold our public service members accountable? How do we improve the system?
Finished with about 4 inches!!! Awesome storm!!! This winter gets an A+ no matter what!

They were predicting no more than 4-5 a couple of days ago, one place in Alabama got 10 inches! This eclipsed the '93 storm for some and how ironic that the '93 storm was very late in the season and this one was very early in the season.
I got 4" it's a win!
Some places in Georgia got a foot of snow!
Picked up another 1/2" after I went to bed for storm total of 8.5" I could probably round up and be fine first 4 hours I was at work so know I lost a little to compaction so 9" it is LoL.

Was funny I woke up had .07" of rain snow mix at 4a by 4:20a all snow I went on and drove to work less than 15 miles W/SW basically it flipped to all rain till about 6:15a then changed to snow even there. Amazing what a few hundred feet in elevation can do esp early on. I'm thawing out the rain gauge to get total QPF now will update
As of 10:30am just as the blue skies were breaking overhead, I have 9.5 inches on my deck. I figured I lost at least an inch to inch and half during the afternoon yesterday at the warmest part of the storm. Quite the storm for something that wasn't suppose to produce like the models predicted. lol

Woodstock Ga, North,Northwest Atlanta area.
Well load down with snow, power flickered on and then back off trees down on roads up and down but able to get off hill and make it down to local mexican restaurant chimichangas and winterwonderland
I need those 850's to start dropping soon... 3k NAM and HRRR still show about 3 hours of snow this afternoon with a dusting to close to an inch. Right around sunset too, either way think roads will be a little slick come morning.

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Picked up another 1/2" after I went to bed for storm total of 8.5" I could probably round up and be fine first 4 hours I was at work so know I lost a little to compaction so 9" it is LoL.

Was funny I woke up had .07" of rain snow mix at 4a by 4:20a all snow I went on and drove to work less than 15 miles W/SW basically it flipped to all rain till about 6:15a then changed to snow even there. Amazing what a few hundred feet in elevation can do esp early on. I'm thawing out the rain gauge to get total QPF now will update

We found right at 9" inches on the well house about two hours ago so we may have received a little more than I first figured. Awesome storm that actually went in our favor in a big way.