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Wintry Winter Storm Dec 7-10

Uh...I thought it was pretty much over here...just woke up and went outside...and it's pouring those big fat flakes again and more accumulation..this is insane.
Damn looks like the band set up just to my NW...ugh....hopefully it moves east with time.
Finally got here, with pin point sized flakes and some big fat ones mixed in with rain too. Kind of anti climatic after better than a 30 hour wait, lol. Nothing to see here. The band is only 3 or 4 counties wide now, so even it it actually started with something approaching regular snow fall, there is no way I get an inch. Going to bed. T
Power outages are crazy north and west of the city.... some folks been without power 12+ hours! No one was prepared for this magnitude of outages. Still pouring large flakes here... no clue how much is out there now. Was pushing 10" earlier.