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Wintry Winter Storm Dec 7-10

I hope this one pans out for me here in Sylacauga(south Talladega County). Since the snowmageddon 2014 with have had only token flakes and sleet. I always seem to be to far south or north the last few years. :rolleyes: Here's to a hope and a prayer.:rolleyes:
Ive said it once and ill say it again. The Atl metro is the most frustrating place to live when it comes to winter weather. Id rather live in Birmingham or Dallas. They are usually not as borderline during winter events as Atl is. Just ask Brent. This is especially true for the south metro.


Oh trust me we have enough borderline events here :rolleyes:

I've yet to live in a place otherwise
Ive said it once and ill say it again. The Atl metro is the most frustrating place to live when it comes to winter weather. Id rather live in Birmingham or Dallas. They are usually not as borderline during winter events as Atl is. Just ask Brent. This is especially true for the south metro.
So true! My wife and I are flying to Minnesota in January, guess that will have to make up for it.
If this borders on banter, then please feel free to delete/move, mods.

This is just blowing my mind, y'all. It is Dec. 7, and we are looking at a system that two days ago I just started looking at -- and while I seldom post, I do look at the models often in winter -- that really is intriguing, fascinating and, maybe just maybe, will provide a winter's-plus worth of snow to parts of Atlanta.

Or it could be a cold rain. Like I tell my pitchers I coach in baseball, it's all about location. That will be the key tomorrow. Where does the warm nose stop? Where are the heaviest rates? How far north/northwest does the precip shield work?

Atlanta ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, is on the edge of the cliff, so to speak. Thus how it goes living in this beautiful city. I'm 50 miles NNE and have to admit I feel pretty good about seeing flakes fall here and maybe enough to whiten the ground. Again, we're talking 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas.

Observations and short-term runs (HRRR, etc.) are the key here. Let's see how it plays out. This is why we love the South. Up north, this is just another day. Here, it could add to the litany of near misses and frustrating whiffs, or become an event we all remember and study for years.

Well I'm on Yorkville up in the Hills if I was a wagering man I feel pretty confident we are not gonna be battling any temp issues other then initial surface temps and ground temps which won't be much issue... if the moisture feed back is good and we don't lose some in the Gulf to convection and storms I believe we get 2+ inches is a safe bet... truthfully if all played out perfect and GFS/NAM scenario rolled out and temps truly crashed would be a substantial event for lots in Georgia
If this borders on banter, then please feel free to delete/move, mods.

This is just blowing my mind, y'all. It is Dec. 7, and we are looking at a system that two days ago I just started looking at -- and while I seldom post, I do look at the models often in winter -- that really is intriguing, fascinating and, maybe just maybe, will provide a winter's-plus worth of snow to parts of Atlanta.

Or it could be a cold rain. Like I tell my pitchers I coach in baseball, it's all about location. That will be the key tomorrow. Where does the warm nose stop? Where are the heaviest rates? How far north/northwest does the precip shield work?

Atlanta ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, is on the edge of the cliff, so to speak. Thus how it goes living in this beautiful city. I'm 50 miles NNE and have to admit I feel pretty good about seeing flakes fall here and maybe enough to whiten the ground. Again, we're talking 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas.

Observations and short-term runs (HRRR, etc.) are the key here. Let's see how it plays out. This is why we love the South. Up north, this is just another day. Here, it could add to the litany of near misses and frustrating whiffs, or become an event we all remember and study for years.

If i lived up north i dont think snow would be nearly as fun. I would have to drive in it, shovel, etc. In the south i just wait for the snow to melt.
Well I'm on Yorkville up in the Hills if I was a wagering man I feel pretty confident we are not gonna be battling any temp issues other then initial surface temps and ground temps which won't be much issue... if the moisture feed back is good and we don't lose some in the Gulf to convection and storms I believe we get 2+ inches is a safe bet... truthfully if all played out perfect and GFS/NAM scenario rolled out and temps truly crashed would be a substantial event for lots in Georgia
We may be neighbors and not know it. I’m in Yorkville also. We are in the highest part of the county lol