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Wintry Winter Storm Dec 7-10


Don’t see this event making the criteria.

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When do we start nowcasting?
Lol, when you are eyeballing flakes, it doesn't even count if the country next to you is covered up..not until you see your very own flakes. I don't believe any of the numbers. I've been in the bullseye, on all the runs, and most of the predictions, and I'm getting anywhere from a dusting to 11 inches, lol. No one knows how much for who. The snow band has been pretty consistent on all the models...some for a long time...other than that, it's a crap shoot. I'm not getting anything at all until I see it. Climo says no, so start from there, lol, and you won't be so disappointed, if you are not in the snow zone. T
The infamous March 2009 snowstorm. It was like 70s the day before and I ended up getting 5-6 inches of snow.
Yeah for real. If it can snow like that in March with a high sun angle and 70 degrees the day before I dont see why it cant snow in early Dec with a low sun angle and cold temps the day before.
Is this current moisture train on radar now the same path we are getting for tomorrow? I'm just saying, it doesn't look like the precip is coming too far north.
Well, the Rap is my new favorite because it's giving me some sleet mixed in. That might stick, and stick around a while....what the rap's showing. T