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Misc Sizzling Shenanigans: warm season whamby

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Playing catchup this afternoon and every 3rd post is crying about the NHC doing what they are supposed to do…generate a forecast using every tool they have. Just because they don’t forecast it into your backyard when a couple of Global models show something similar doesn’t mean you should be up in arms about it. Most of you wouldn’t know what the globals were showing if they weren’t posted here anyway. Ok rant over. Things looking like they are about to ramp up…dry are will be completely ingested soon and may clear out an eye on the process!
😂😂😂😂 like you wouldn't be doing the exact same thing if the NHC cone was east and the globals were west. I mean clearly one of the two camps are wrong. Clearly the NHC thinks it's the globals. We'll know soon enough
That recon pass was not remotely impressive. 🤔

This thing is gonna have to get moving soon if it's going to bomb
pressure is still dropping enough but i agree, only 24 hours left. the eyewall is still a moat that needs to constrict some

edit - this secondary band needs to constrict and choke out the flotsam inside of it for this storm to get going
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