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Political Thread

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I think that it’s important to realize that a video clip never shows the whole story. We should keep that in mind. It looked to me as if the police were to keep moving forward and presumably someone behind them would take care of getting the man the help that he needed.

I don’t really know. But without further information I’m going to give the police the benefit of the doubt.
You just don’t reach for a cop like that. Most people realize there will be consequences. The cop doesn’t know your intent but he does know that you are already non-compliant. If he reached in the general direction of my person I’d push him away too, as is my right. Just my opinion. Not trying to be argumentative.
You would be in jail if you did that
I hesitated to post this because it is very graphic and emotional (to me at least) but I feel I had to warn you before posting it. This man was killed trying to guard some TV's

Heartbreaking. That man served his community and in the end was crucified for it. Sadly, his death does NOT feed the current narrative so it will be brushed under the rug. Celebrities will not attend his funeral. Rest easy, OG
You would be in jail if you did that
If a person reaches for my person I have every right to defend myself. Obviously in this case the force was not extreme. The man approached the cops in non-compliance and then reached for the cop. I’m sad that he got hurt but as far as I can tell he reaped the consequences of his actions.

If there is one thing we need to rediscover it’s the doctrine of personal responsibility.
Both of my grandfathers were drafted into WWII and sent to be shot at or killed. If my grandfathers stood there yelling at the cops I would think he earned that right.

Just a different set if perspectives.

Both of mine were involved in several wars, WW2 and Vietnam, as well. My grandfather who was in the Vietnam war would have died if his best friend didn't jump on a grenade and push him out of the way... Both of mine taught me to respect those in a position of authority, and if you disagree with them do it in the right way without yelling at them or getting all up in their face. There is a general lack of respect in our country for people in positions of authority. When they disagree with someone in authority or even someone with a different view on an issue, they resort to yelling, name calling, derogatory remarks, etc. which just isn't beneficial imo to getting a message across.
If a person reaches for my person I have every right to defend myself. Obviously in this case the force was not extreme. The man approached the cops in non-compliance and then reached for the cop. I’m sad that he got hurt but as far as I can tell he reaped the consequences of his actions.

If there is one thing we need to rediscover it’s the doctrine of personal responsibility.

This x1000. People want to do stupid stuff without any consequence for their choices.
If a person reaches for my person I have every right to defend myself. Obviously in this case the force was not extreme. The man approached the cops in non-compliance and then reached for the cop. I’m sad that he got hurt but as far as I can tell he reaped the consequences of his actions.

If there is one thing we need to rediscover it’s the doctrine of personal responsibility.
Personal responsibility means the cop is responsible for his actions also.
Your a idiot to. If you believe he wasn’t doing anything wrong

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Lots we dont know about that old man.

My grandfather in his 70s had dementia and could get right testy. Before he died he was aggressive with doctors and nurses. I guess he was doing something wrong then and the doctors had a right to push him down?
Personal responsibility means the cop is responsible for his actions also.

The cop did not use pepper spray taser or tackle him. It was a push after the old man moved his hand towards the officer. Excessive force for the guys age yes it was. But only because he was elderly. If a officer pushed a 35 yr old like that he wouldn’t of fell like that.

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The cop did not use pepper spray taser or tackle him. It was a push after the old man moved his hand towards the officer. Excessive force for the guys age yes it was. But only because he was elderly. If a officer pushed a 35 yr old like that he wouldn’t of fell like that.

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It was excessive because that was the first action taken by cops.
It’s a SEVENTY FIVE year old man, what part of he’s not a threat to anyone and he definitely doesn’t deserve that do you not understand?

You’re an idiot
Stop bullying people on here.
If the old man pushed the cop and he fell and hit his head, the old man would be charged with attempted murder
The old man should have not even gotten close to the cop. I would have pushed him away also, you never know if someone is reaching for the cops gun. It's called respecting Authority. When there's no respect of authority that leads to anarchy.

The amount of people in the replies to this that are ANGRY/FURIOUS just shows how delusional and brainwashed some have become. How can anybody not see this as great news

The unemployment crash wasnt because of policy but because of stores being shut down to slow the spread. Once reopened a vast majority will return right back to work.
Stop bullying people on here.
The old man should have not even gotten close to the cop. I would have pushed him away also, you never know if someone is reaching for the cops gun. It's called respecting Authority. When there's no respect of authority that leads to anarchy.
If a 75 year old man scares a cop in riot gear he probably shouldn't be a cop
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