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Political Thread

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I was about to post this same thing. There are too many moving parts at the moment with the system and the near by environment then in the future across the US and north Atlantic to say the euro or gfs solutions are correct. The 12z cmc and nhc forecast really split the difference and at the moment are the way to go

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Yeah and the do an excellent job unlike Trump and his sharpie

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Wasn’t he talking about assault type rifles?
I guess that's what you'd call it but who decides what is an "assault style" rifle, when is the gov't ever satisfied, they won't stop there, plus I certainly don't trust them..... remember "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"?

Not to mention the 2nd amendment which gives me the right to defend and protect against the very freedom taking idiocy on full display.
Wasn’t he talking about assault type rifles?
Mainly, yes, but I think the way he said it was not the best. If you show an extreme force toward your desired actions, then it could either be taken as "Yes we want to stop the shootings" or "We want to eventually disarm the citizens!". He should've said something less forceful and safer, because all that statement is going to do is rile people up and make the idea of safety look more and more like the Democratic party wants to remove a chunk of the second amendment.
I guess that's what you'd call it but who decides what is an "assault style" rifle, when is the gov't ever satisfied, they won't stop there, plus I certainly don't trust them..... remember "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"?

Not to mention the 2nd amendment which gives me the right to defend and protect against the very freedom taking idiocy on full display.
Able to murder 9 people in seconds. The 2nd amendment did not have assault weapons in mind, they did not exist, muzzle loaders?
Able to murder 9 people in seconds. The 2nd amendment did not have assault weapons in mind, they did not exist, muzzle loaders?
2nd says "arms" not muzzle loaders, fairly certain that even then they knew advancement in weaponry would be made and that's why it wasn't that specific. What we really need is a law against murder.... oh wait

You know thousands were killed in seconds at the hands of terrorist with hijacked aircraft, seems to me that when one wants to commit evil acts they find a way by any means possible. Why insist on taking anything away from me to protect against that?
2nd says "arms" not muzzle loaders, fairly certain that even then they knew advancement in weaponry would be made and that's why it wasn't that specific. What we really need is a law against murder.... oh wait

You know thousands were killed in seconds at the hands of terrorist with hijacked aircraft, seems to me that when one wants to commit evil acts they find a way by any means possible. Why insist on taking anything away from me to protect against that?
the 2nd also does not say that the "right to bear arms" is subject to licensure or other forms of control ... admittedly a Thompson submachine gun or or other such thing is not the normal ware of a well regulated militia and might warrant some license (but not abolition) ... and that 2nd point is what gets stretched beyond comprehension when some folks decide that my rifles, pistols and other "normal" firearms are suitable for their taking and control ... hope this makes sense ...
Mainly, yes, but I think the way he said it was not the best. If you show an extreme force toward your desired actions, then it could either be taken as "Yes we want to stop the shootings" or "We want to eventually disarm the citizens!". He should've said something less forceful and safer, because all that statement is going to do is rile people up and make the idea of safety look more and more like the Democratic party wants to remove a chunk of the second amendment.
He is essentially talking to his base, who largely supports such things. And being dramatic and forceful about it, he hopes he can stand out from a rather unoriginal and unremarkable field of candidates.
2nd says "arms" not muzzle loaders, fairly certain that even then they knew advancement in weaponry would be made and that's why it wasn't that specific. What we really need is a law against murder.... oh wait

You know thousands were killed in seconds at the hands of terrorist with hijacked aircraft, seems to me that when one wants to commit evil acts they find a way by any means possible. Why insist on taking anything away from me to protect against that?
Do not want to take away from anyone, what use do these weapons have besides killing. Definitely not hunting or sporting, protection? Ha, just loss of a toy? Somewhere this has to stop.
Do not want to take away from anyone, what use do these weapons have besides killing. Definitely not hunting or sporting, protection? Ha, just loss of a toy? Somewhere this has to stop.
I agree but taking weapons from law abiding citizens want make it stop. I'll never understand why those who wish to add more laws or ban weapons can't see that those who want to kill do not follow the laws and therefore any additional laws and/or bans would have zero effect.
Do not want to take away from anyone, what use do these weapons have besides killing. Definitely not hunting or sporting, protection? Ha, just loss of a toy? Somewhere this has to stop.

Killing and defense is it. Hunting as well. But 2nd amendment is not about hunting. A person in Fuquay had someone break in their home, shoot at them, and the homeowner had a gun and defended their house. Authorities came and made an arrest. Had she not had her gun, this could have resulted in an innocent death. Guns are for defending the home against unwanted intrusion, overbearing government, and hunting.

There will never be a perfect society in which guns aren't necessary. All of human history supports this.
Do not want to take away from anyone, what use do these weapons have besides killing. Definitely not hunting or sporting, protection? Ha, just loss of a toy? Somewhere this has to stop.

I think the many, many people who love to use these guns at the range would disagree with you about sport. I mean with the same logic, we need to ban any car that looks like a sports car because it encourages people to drive fast and they clearly have no use on the road.

Infact due to how many people die from speeding in their vehicle per year than from ARs, it would make much more sense to ban the latter than the former. It definitely would make my job far safer.
I think the many, many people who love to use these guns at the range would disagree with you about sport. I mean with the same logic, we need to ban any car that looks like a sports car because it encourages people to drive fast and they clearly have no use on the road.

Infact due to how many people die from speeding in their vehicle per year than from ARs, it would make much more sense to ban the latter than the former. It definitely would make my job far safer.
That really does define the slippery slope of an all out ban on one particular thing. I still find it sad that they aren't addressing root causes and are rather only going after the tool instead of the person's mental health. It takes an emotionally and mentally unstable individual with a deadly tool to cause a large amount of deaths. Yes guns make it easier, but banning them won't do much. They'll just go down the line to something like a shotgun or a rifle. Then what? Ban rifles and shotguns?
That really does define the slippery slope of an all out ban on one particular thing. I still find it sad that they aren't addressing root causes and are rather only going after the tool instead of the person's mental health. It takes an emotionally and mentally unstable individual with a deadly tool to cause a large amount of deaths. Yes guns make it easier, but banning them won't do much. They'll just go down the line to something like a shotgun or a rifle. Then what? Ban rifles and shotguns?
Actually they'll still use the same type of guns because they are smuggled into this country almost daily. And I agree with you 100% so much focus on the tool of destruction that the root cause gets overlooked.

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That really does define the slippery slope of an all out ban on one particular thing. I still find it sad that they aren't addressing root causes and are rather only going after the tool instead of the person's mental health. It takes an emotionally and mentally unstable individual with a deadly tool to cause a large amount of deaths. Yes guns make it easier, but banning them won't do much. They'll just go down the line to something like a shotgun or a rifle. Then what? Ban rifles and shotguns?

Annnnnd fertilizer. Lest we forget about Oklahoma City 1995. 168 murdered and 680+ injured.............
So I am really angry at the moment, I know this is considered old news by now but I just can't get over the whole situation with the Covington kids, especially that Nick Sandmann guy. He and his class was vilified by the media and had a bunch of grown ass people threatening them because Nick had the nerve to smile at a Native American guy while the rest of his class was goofing and doing school chants and stuff, with all of them in MAGA hats. Even if the worst interpretation was correct and they were doing it to mock the Native guy, the extreme hate and vitriol they received was way overboard. Especially when there have been cases of teens doing some really heinous stuff such as the Chicago kidnapping case a few years back when a disabled teen was tortured by a group of sociopaths, with the ironic part being that the situation there never got the attention the Covington situation got and the sociopaths who tortured the kid never got the vitriol the Covington kids got.

Of course the reason for this is obvious is because a lot of the pathetic pieces of garbage sending the vitriol towards the Covington kids were most likely projecting high school BS that they never got over onto them along with the fact that its more politically correct to send hate towards a bunch of so-called privileged white guys in MAGA hats than it will be to criticize a member of a so-called marginalized group. Even if the latter is doing way more heinous stuff than the former.
This could use its own thread but have you guys seen Greta Thunberg’s speech today?

here is a snippet. “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction...”

you can watch it here.

here is a promoted tweet I’ve seen for a couple days. What a joke. Somehow we went from a couple degrees of warming to “we are all dead in 12 years”


excuse me but last time I checked we are no where near a “mass extinction.” I mean how can a teenager get by spewing this propaganda to our world leaders? It is simply astounding at the fear mongering that is associated with climate change.

It is a shame because politics has ruined science. Science is not even close to the original design it was used for. Now it’s an agenda filling hole.

We are openly selling lies of “mass extinction” and other absolutely absurd suggestions to get an agenda across. And people somehow cheer nonsense like this on because they fear going against the grain and being called a racist or denier or whatever the term of the day is.

Show me one ecosystem in “full” collapse. Show me the MASS extinction. Or even just a normal extinction. I’ll wait.

I’m all for taking care of our planet but forcing radical change in this way? That’s not how it works.
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