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Pattern Januworry

So yeah that's one solution like it never even got started... We toss none have even gave this sorta look whatsoever
That’s climo, bro. NC is always going to have a good advantage mainly due to being further north (colder) but also being near the Atlantic moisture source as well as Atlantic storms. That’s likely why there are so many NC posters on a SE board. This complaint sounds just like the complaints about DC getting more than NC or NYC getting more than DC and so on and so on. Or if I wanted to, I could complain about N and C GA as well as most of SC getting more than me, but I don’t because again, that’s climo, bro. It isn’t like someone is out to get me.
@pcbjr could always be complaining but I don’t ever remember him doing so. He knows the power of climo can’t be overcome.

You can maybe do something about it by moving further north if it were important enough to be in better climo, but then the tendency is for people who move north to raise their expectations and still get mad even with more snow if it doesn’t meet their more prolific climo. @Lickwx has talked about this.

Meanwhile, the key to Feb cold is getting the +PNA to return. Nothing goes against SE cold more on average than a -PNA. @pcbjr would agree.
Well, it just seems to me that climo has been constipated lately, like for at least two decades, lol. So when's it going to swing back?? That last storm that wasn't was a perfect example of a storm that did happen twice in the 10 years of the 70's 80's, but now climo has been listening to dr No, and is messing with us :) I don't thing I've ever gone so long between good sleet storms. And where are the bees going?? I'm worried the whales will be next, then it's make way for the hyperspace thruway. You know it's true, Larry. Climo can't hide behind statistics!