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Pattern Januworry

not buying this solution at all. i would expect the sleet line to be 5-10 more miles further inland. also snow maps not taking into effect soil temps and sun angle. toss
Verbatim, there’s not much of a warm nose. However, I don’t buy any solution that predicts 36” unless it’s under 60 hrs.
Verbatim, there’s not much of a warm nose. However, I don’t buy any solution that predicts 36” unless it’s under 60 hrs.
View attachment 109788
The reason there is not much of a warm nose is because the system is so dynamic that the upward motion keeps the column cold… that’s actually the same thing that happened with the ‘93 Superstorm for CLT metro… the changeover to snow occurred as the low was moving directly overhead

Info on what DT thinks about upcoming systems in the middle of the article. If anyone cares at all here it is.
In all seriousness if you are watching these runs and thinking “am I getting punked” the answer is no. i think we’ve seen enough op run nukes + ensembles supporting essence of the idea to call this legit. There is top tier echelon potential here. Goes without saying this is a huge fish to reel in and the SE is a small boat, but will be fun to see where this goes!
not buying this solution at all. i would expect the sleet line to be 5-10 more miles further inland. also snow maps not taking into effect soil temps and sun angle. toss
Toss every model run 7 days out if you are expecting verbatim results. Sun angle??? In January??? Our temps have been generally below average for 3 weeks...In January... Worried about soils temps???SMH

Next weekend has been showing the potential for something big somewhere in the SE for awhile. It is now getting within 7 days. It's not a slam dunk. It never is for the SE. But, it is certainly worth our attention.
Toss every model run 7 days out if you are expecting verbatim results. Sun angle??? In January??? Our temps have been generally below average for 3 weeks...In January... Worried about soils temps???SMH

Next weekend has been showing the potential for something big somewhere in the SE for awhile. It is now getting within 7 days. It's not a slam dunk. It never is for the SE. But, it is certainly worth our attention.
I think he was being sarcastic. I think he's a believer in the big picture potential.
Having two 1"+ snows from separate systems less than a week apart at Charlotte and some other places hasn't happened since way back in January of 2000, well before most wx bbs existed! That's how special this week has been.
Toss every model run 7 days out if you are expecting verbatim results. Sun angle??? In January??? Our temps have been generally below average for 3 weeks...In January... Worried about soils temps???SMH

Next weekend has been showing the potential for something big somewhere in the SE for awhile. It is now getting within 7 days. It's not a slam dunk. It never is for the SE. But, it is certainly worth our attention.
Yeah, the GFS has snowfall rates of 3 inches an hour. Warm ground ain't doing squat lol.
Not really support from the GEFS however of a system digging that far SW
in a good spot