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Pattern Januworry

Some of the GEFS members look promising for a winter storm in the SE next weekend. As others said, time it right, most of the Central/Eastern SC and NC could be looking a good winter storm with snow (maybe mixed in with sleet) being the primary winter precip. Time it wrong and this becomes another NE snowstorm and we're looking more rain/freezing rain.

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CMC has two hits within a few days. No way we ---- this up.

If theres a way, rest assured we will find and execute it. This weekend beats all Ive ever seen lol. Monday we where chasing .1 to .2 fluff/ratios. Got excited when our shortwave started amplifying. Then got face slapped when models discovered a Kicker wave on its heels causing an inland track-hybird-unstacked fiasco. Nothing like surface temps in the low to mid 20s with single digit windchills and seeing it Rain.

I've heard really good things about the Canadian Ensembles.......no really I have, stop looking at me like that. modernweenie After December, I feel very fortunate to have an above average to good pattern showing potential threats coming up the rest of the month. If we can get one to stick and give a board wide snow, even if it's on the lighter side....this will a pretty memorable January IMO.