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Pattern Januworry

Chance for some strong/severe weather tomorrow before the front?
There’s not really a cold chasing moisture Situation to me. Cold is there and energy is all around. I can see if a front was coming through for cold chasing moisture but this is a different look to me.

Maybe I was thinking about this but marginally cold at best.


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Just watching these model runs going back to Christmas Day in terms of pattern progression, they waffle around, as expected.....some ok, some good, some excellent. The overnight runs were in the excellent camp (00z EPS, 06z GFS, 06z GEFS). EPS finally showed some good western ridging and was colder. Pac Jet progression and Aleutian Low maintenance - all very good. The models have remained consistent over the past 4-5 days in showing the best pattern beginning to setup in the Jan 17-18 timeframe. Hopefully we see more model runs in the excellent camp instead of the ok camp going forward.

Saw someone post this photo on Twitter this morning. #9 at Augusta National (maybe from late Jan 2014?)


Tough finding an analog for this. 2009 maybe?

Seems like we are seeing models with a ph7 pattern and hopefully ph 8.
